
Thanks for that, anyway. I’m not sure why most people can’t keep this in mind these days. Especially in Europe. They will just openly bash Texans. I always ask people to replace the word “Texan” with “Mexican” or “Syrian” and see if they’d say the same thing. Both are lovely cultures full of lovely people who have

Yes for those reasons, that’s why I can see the CDC’s pov in the 21 day quarantine. They can’t make a recommendation for each individual and just have to do something that applies to everyone. Christie's additional step (which was NOT a CDC recommendation, btw) was to impose mandatory quarantine on ANYONE, even people

It’s fine to disagree. I don’t discount anything you are saying. But I can’t follow the logic of your argument in this particular case. They knew he was from Africa. If race was such an important factor in how they treated him, then they would’ve taken this more into account. I’m not sure what you mean by

Yes this is correct. It’s fun and popular these days to bash on Texas because there are crazy politicians here. But the truth is that it is just a big place with many many many isolated rural counties. If you look at the cities, they are actually full of all the things all cities around the country are full of

I live in the town where the Jade Helm stuff is happening, and I just want to point out that it is not local residents who are involved in this hype. The local response has ranged from “what?” to mild curiosity to amusement. These people are coming in, mostly from the infowars crowd and loads of preppers from other

Yes I'm pretty sure the person knows this, or at least I hope they do. I think he/she was explaining the right wing POV. This is an argument people make, unfortunately.

Obviously it is complete and total BS, but I’ll tell you what they say they mean. Planned Parenthood is providing unsafe healthcare to women because they are dishonest about abortion and dishonest about women’s options. Also they cannot provide emergency surgical care at all their facilities. For this reason, it is

I totally agree with everything you just said. I was trying to make a different point, but probably I rambled a bit and didn’t state it clearly. What I’m saying is this.

If we assume that she actually cares about justice and society and not just about self-promotion (which might be an incorrect assumption, IDK), then the reason she is suing him is to set a precedent that prevents politicians in the future from trampling civil liberties based on emotional politics and fear-mongering.

I dunno. As I said earlier, I can see both points of view about that. The isolation was out of line, but when she refused the 21 day stay-at-home, I can see both sides. I mean, she was right. The media and the CDC could have used it as an opportunity to educate people about Ebola. And is it true that we knew very

All of that is true, except for the race part. All I can say is that the Texas ER case ALSO illustrates a larger societal problem. It’s not just incompetent staff (though it might have been that too). Urban ERs are crowded, understaffed, full of people experiencing the worst of modern life- it’s unreal sometimes what

Glad your friend is OK!

Court costs also, defamation of character, and the fact that you get way less than you ask for. How do they come up with the number? If she is suing on several points and expects to win some of them and not others, then it might add up to so much, see? Also legal fees add up FAST, so I don't think it sounds like that

Wouldn't it be nice if she is actually a civil liberties badass and refuses to settle but instead takes it to court- using law suits to actually bring about justice?

Yeah, and they're dangerous too. They'll chase you for like a mile, man.

You have to admire Springsteen’s arms in this pic. I mean, Bruce is probably 30 years older than Jimmy.

Ah shucks, thanks, but that trophy might draw so much attention that someone will notice that I'm not really a microbiologist but only play one on TV and I'm sure some things I said were not absolutely right. Seriously though, I only know about this because I was in a microbiology class when it happened, and my prof

Here's a good analogy. Let's say in the 80s, you made every gay man stay home inside their house for 30 days after each time they had anal sex. If they said no, you locked them up. Now, the AIDS epidemic was a much bigger deal here stateside, and undoubtedly people were transmitting the HIV virus during its incubation

I’m still drunk from last night also. I suspect most of us are. And some are probably drunk from the whiskey in this morning’s coffee, but I won’t tell if you won’t.

Why? Really? She's a health care worker who treats a suffering population on another continent. She took necessary precautions, her organization (which has more medical experience than Christie and probably than you) says she was never a risk or exposed, she was tested to verify this, and even if she were somehow in