
Well, if you make a fitted bodice, it’s going to happen that the seams are going to come together at the nipples as that is the highest point. There isn’t really any way around it. What they’ve done (perhaps deliberately?) is make the seams a different color so they stand out more. Also they turn more drastically at

Of course I agree with your sentiment and also the rule is totally unfair. But to have an honest understanding of the situation, you must see the university’s point of view. This does not mean you agree with their conclusion, but it doesn’t hurt to honestly look at their point of view. A few facts: A) In India,

But coffee is always coffee. Coffee is a beverage. You can put a flavor in it, but it's still coffee. "Alcohol" is not a beverage. It's a category- an ingredient that is inside a ton of drinks.

If you had super heavy drinking days, you might've damaged your liver? It's not normal for a glass of something to cause migraines and dehydration so maybe you are allergic to alcohol? That's a thing, I hear, and a shame, yes! It's hard to be the non-drinker at a party, for one thing the conversations get boring after

Yes, I've heard tell that people like the weed. It seems pretty popular these days.

There’s a difference between drinking and getting drunk. I suppose the same can be said with pot- probably people don’t sit down and get out of their minds stoned every time when they are regular smokers. My experience (watching others) is that they smoke just enough to get chill. Drinking is like that. Unless you are

Yes I have that problem. For me, the dry sticky mouth is so disgusting that I’m totally preoccupied with it. Then, I get this weird sensation- let’s say I brush my hair out of my face which of course requires light touching of my skin. It feels like the sensation of touch lingers there on my skin for several minutes

I'm absolutely NOT trying to convince you or anyone else to drink alcohol. In fact, I believe (personally) that figuring out how to deal with your shit sober is probably the best path, though also in practice I've been completely incapable of doing that (personally), haha. That said, I'm always BAFFLED by people who

ha ha ha. I can't figure out if you are joking or not.

Seriously haven’t you met weed evangelists? I agree that the majority of people who smoke pot are NOT this way, but some are, and it’s really annoying. Like, think about vegans or people on the paleo diet or yoga practitioners or folks who are really into the newest electronic gadget, etc. The majority are fine, but

Well, in both cases, it's probably more a result of inexperience. If you are drinking so much that you are getting dehydrated and hungover, you probably are consuming too much in a short period or you are consuming the wrong sort of thing (stay away from that boone's farm, kiddo!). People who smoke pot tell me the

I think it affects people differently. I don't like it either, but I don't find recreational users to be annoying. People who adopt it as a key part of their identity and lifestyle (smoking several times a day, everyday) are really annoying, and I don't think they realize it. But same can be said of people who

Service industry jobs have expanded as well. If I worked at Subway or WalMart, I'd need to be high too.

Yup. This candidate's discussion of superheroes is just too immature. I want to know Bernie's adult opinion of comic book characters.

Aren't those just princess seams?

I don't see that. Her hair is blondish, but otherwise I don't see a resemblance. I've only ever seen her in this GIF, but she makes me think of a young Jodi Foster- interesting face, confident stance. And her outfit is not movie star sexpot, which I think is a good sign.

It’s a stupid question to ask a presidential candidate. Who cares what superhero he likes? It’s actually a stupid question to ask anyone who is not particularly interested in superheroes. It’s a perfectly appropriate response. He’s basically saying it’s not something he knows or cares about, and his familiarity with

Lookit. It’s a weird thing to think about, and the truth is that most of us prolly haven’t thought much about it. But, consider raping someone who is passed out vs raping someone who just died seconds earlier. It probably isn’t much different. I don’t know why you are insisting on there being a vast difference.

For sure. Wolverine is as masc as they come. Hugh has always ranged from slightly dorky and effete to completely flaming.
