
I agree with that, but also we can’t have our cake and eat it too. We can’t complain about the stagnation of political discourse and activity all the while refusing to allow third parties to change the playing field. They cannot possibly ever win of course- that’s not what I mean. But if they are causing losses to

I agree with all of that. But notice that even you, someone who says they like her, can hardly generate enthusiasm beyond “she’s better than the Republicans and I agree more with a different Democratic candidate, but she’s OK”. And yes, I know it has been run by families forever, so I should have worded what I said

I don’t know much about the email thing, but I also never assumed that someone with her hands in that many pots would be totally up and legit about all her communications. It’s sort of “well duh” the Clintons are involved in all sorts of foreign affairs.

Here’s a proper response. Why not write an article about how your partner is too sick one day to do her normal job of scrubbing your shared bathtub. Though you’ve shared this bathroom with your partner for a year and a half, you have never cleaned the bathtub before. At first you think it is sort of satisfying to

Everyone who wants different things than you want is an asshole? The structure-less day you describe might be lovely for you and your family (and glad you have a life that works for you!) but it is not what everyone wants. Not wanting that does not make you an asshole.

When I got my dog as a tiny puppy, we still lived in an apartment. Toilet training was a nightmare because she had to be under constant supervision- running around behind her to snatch her up when she started to squat or circle and then running outside to make her do it in the yard. It was like four weeks (because I

I totally agree, but I think it doesn’t really matter. Let’s say it turns out that the kid was out of his mind on PCP and that when he was cornered by the locked door, he decided to turn around and physically attack the cop. Was the cop then justified in shooting him- claiming self-defense? Some drugs can make people

Yes this is a good point. I think because we feel the sting of injustice, there is a tendency to make it sound more simplistic than it is. “A nice kid was fleeing a cop and was shot in the back!” The problem with this sort of simplification is that it makes it easy for police violence apologists to polarize the

Best not to stereotype, I think. What is the rookie cop’s background? Why is the rookie cop entering that line of work at that age? There could be all sorts of good explanations.

I dunno. Football is a huge deal in Texas for sure, but every university has a football team and it’s not like they are ALL a big deal. I don’t know enough about football to know if UTArlington’s team is a big deal or not, but simply being a college football player in Texas isn’t enough to make you a big deal.

I just don’t understand why she is running. She is polarizing. People HATE her. I personally feel sort of “meh” about her and don’t think she is worthy of hate. She’ll be predictable- nothing interesting will happen. She’s a centrist establishment candidate. So I don’t hate her, but I don’t see anything about her

ha ha ha! And, yuck.

Yes that movie is beautiful!

I understand that general public awareness of universities in the US revolves around sports, but American universities have several beautiful and historically important collections, and yes they take them very seriously. They generate excitement and some tourism- Colombia, University of Michigan, Berkeley, Duke all

I wonder though if there is some equivalent of “free use” laws? What I mean is, I’m not sure I’m opposed to most vendors having to pay to use representations of art works that are held by public institutions. If the vendor around the corner has to give some of its profit to the university, then I think that’s OK. It’s

Thanks, this is a good explanation. Legally speaking though, does the organization that has trademarked it also have the option to go after other retailers that use images from the book? I know you’ve said that’s not the point, but do they legally have that right?

I still don’t understand. So the Book of Kells is trademarked as their design logo? It is full of images that represent the university? I just don’t get it.

If they own the work, can’t they trademark its use on other products? I don’t understand how this works. If I print a T-shirt with a representation from Book of Kells, do I have to pay them for it? BK(tm)... How does this work with other famous works? Like, if I print a T-shirt with the Mona Lisa on it- do I have to

And yet what are the requirements to inject things into human bodies?? This might change from place to place, but where I live, LVNs can give shots, as well as phlebotomists in some situations. So we are talking about people with 6 mos - 2 years (tops) post-high school training. Personally, I think this is sufficient

That makes sense, but surely it wouldn’t hurt the field to be fired for NOT reporting a mistake? I mean, I get not being fired for the mistake. Mistakes happen, and working in health care is often a high stress sort of environment, and I totally get that it makes sense that we want people to admit their mistakes