
Yes exactly. Women get blamed for men’s inability to control themselves all the time. The truth is that they are perfectly capable of controlling themselves. They just choose not to in some cases.

If so, then the whole story is trash. Which maybe it is.

Obviously it is wrong to have sex with a married man - assuming his wife isn’t OK with it or doesn’t know. Obviously also it is wrong to have sex with a married man who is also your boss. Someone who does that is not trustworthy and doesn’t show much respect for the people around her. Whatever. The insult is still

Thanks. I can see why that is frustrating. It seems to me that the appropriate response is for the trainers, athletes, sponsorship and fandom to see her as the master and trailblazer she currently is, and then to respond appropriately by focusing on improving her competitors. One thing she has obviously shown is that

Rather than looking to her fighting men, though, why not hope for a stronger division of women to challenge her. Is she seriously the only strong female fighter out there?

Can we stop blaming the damn other women and hot nannies and instead point our scorn towards the husbands who screw their children's babysitters and then lie to their wives about it? And I'm surprised Gavin Rossdale had it in him. I thought he liked boys, mostly.

I doubt she could really do well with a well-trained man fighter. She could probably kick the butts of most men who aren’t well-trained fighters, but when it comes to an actual male champion, he would have lots of advantages over her. I don’t know why anyone would want to see that sort of fight anyway. Would you want

I just think people are so used to sitting inside all the time that they mostly get stuffy and hot really fast if they aren’t in a slightly cold temperature. If you spend most of your time outside of climate control or with relatively little climate control, you adapt and you can handle a wider range of temperatures.

It wasn’t 102 INSIDE the office- that’s her point.

Finding his physical attributes attractive is perfectly normal. He’s a hot dude. Finding his reassuring strong man stance attractive- OK but that brings up issues about your own agency as well as his support (or Atticus’ support) of a status quo that put him in charge in the first place. It’s only reassuring if his

Hey thanks. That’s a great idea!

I agree with that. As I said, I’ll believe the mom unless someone has a version that says she’s lying. She might be lying. She might have been desperate and left them where she couldn’t see them which is totally out of line at that age. She might’ve seen the security guard walk off with them and immediately followed-

It doesn’t sound cheesy. Social and self awareness keeps the door open for experience and learning, etc. In regards to the strong sexy patriarch type- I remember being really angry and offended by some men’s desire for that sort of “good wife” type- slut in the bedroom, all about him, happy to stay home with the

Yes when you are in that sort of rough-around-the-edges, be tough and resilient culture, it’s anathema to admit to any sort of personal vulnerability. So she revealed that to Tom- unskillfully, but how would she know better? And, I can’t remember if he rejected her or if her dad caught her or both- but in either way,

I remember having a more nuanced view of the whole white savior thing since I have a somewhat unique experience of having half my family in the deep south (split evenly between rural farmers and urban educated people, but my well-educated grandma always talked about how Atticus was just like her dad, and she didn’t

So I only went and visited the Wiki page for Watchman (haven’t read it) but the reviews of the book and that page make it seem that Watchman is really just a first draft for Mockingbird. And that Lee was working on these themes, and what she finally did with Mockingbird was to leave Jean Louise’s revelations about

Well I can tell you that I, for one, remember really having a crush on Gregory Peck. Seriously. Roman Holiday era Peck, oh my. Spellbound! Egads. Even Moby Dick- I mean, I can’t picture Ahab any other way, and Peck wasn’t even super hot in that one- certainly not pretty, but still that strong presence. There is

That’s always possible too. We really don’t have any way of knowing. But apparently, according to her “handlers” (or “assistants and friends” depending on what you believe) she has her wits about her, so I wonder why she doesn’t deliver a statement on her motivations? Probably the situation is not so simple as that,

Really? Why do you think he was a rape apologist? I can’t remember.

This is your interpretation from Watchman? Sounds really interesting. I was not planning to read it, but the more discussion I hear about it, the better it sounds. I had been dreading a sort of saccharine happily ever after sort of thing, but this sounds so much more interesting.