
Yea in general, teenage years suck. Sorry it was hard for you into your twenties.

Yuck. When I was a kid, straight edge was still a thing. It wasn’t my thing, necessarily, but the punk scene was not at all synonymous with drugs. We probably drank too much sometimes and dabbled around with the less dangerous and more common drugs like lots of teens, but certainly never anything serious. Some of my

For example... You know that all three of these women are gorgeous and have professional stylists, and you know this is not what they saw when they looked in the mirror, and it couldn’t have been what they looked like in real life. Yet this happened in the photograph! So imagine then someone like Lark who is probably

Ha ha! Frosted tips! I must’ve been too old to notice that fashion trend! At my age, I was really on the cusp of their target audience. I was really into it during the first season. By the second, I had outgrown it. I was already in the early years of high school when it started (can’t remember if I was freshman or

Yup totally agree with all of that.

Oh, yes I can see that. You were a small child. I was twice your age. It corresponded with a time in my life in which I was a spoiled, sassy, shallow, obnoxious young teenager. I guess what I’m trying to say is that rebellion (to a certain extent) is a normal part of the teenage years. People who create consumer

Oh sorry about my other response. I was thinking you were responding to a different one of my posts, so my response isn’t going to make any sense. Yes- you are talking about finding them attractive. When I was a kid, I felt sort of the same way as I do now about who I wanted to bone. I was always into Dylan, also into

I dig it with other things I loved as a teenager. Around the same time, I was absolutely in love with Axl Rose which is probably similar to your grandma’s feeling about Elvis. Now I can look at Axl Rose with adult eyes and see what a scumbag he is. But when I remember thinking of him as a child- oh the creativity, the

Yea I agree with all that, except one little nit-picky detail. Being black isn’t a pre-req for that job. A white woman held the post before. If she had been honest throughout her life (and she wasn’t, as you point out) then she could’ve still been the right person for that job. There are all sorts of reasons a white

I had a Color Me Badd poster in my locker. Yup.

Thanks. Those gifs make it seem like a much better show than it was.

At the time, when I was a kid, yea I was into most of them. But now, uggh. Shannon Doherty ruined anything that could have been attractive about Brenda. The two blonde girls were so annoying- and Tori is not remotely attractive. The other one, yes. Andrea- she was always the most interesting and very attractive. As

It’s such an awful show. I was so into it for the first season. In retrospect, it’s everything that’s wrong about spoiled teen culture. I can’t believe I ate that shit up. I want to slap my younger self. I remember, in particular, my father was working on the car one afternoon when the show was airing. Father made me

Here’s the thing. Based on the pics we’ve seen of her now, her skin tone looks darker or lighter depending on loads of circumstances - the lighting, the flash, what she’s wearing, perhaps even how much darkening lotion (or tanning or whatever) she has applied. But her hair does look the part pretty convincingly. Thing

I think her hair is awesome. Pretending to be black, uh no. But her hair is amazing. Imagine the time she must’ve put into it. I wish my hair would do that. If my hair would do that, I’d get such the most pretty ever collection of colorful scarves to wrap around with all the curls popping up out of them. But no. My

Nah. Bigi (just as weird to call him that as blanket) looks a bit like young Jackson before all the surgery. They aren’t carbon copies or anything, but especially in the eyes/nose/cheeks region, similar chins, etc. Not that you can ever tell these things for sure, but he could easily and believably be a biological son

I agree that the whole Jackson family and Michael too are weird, and possibly even criminal and abusive. That doesn’t mean the children have done a damn thing wrong. Also, if a person adopts children, they are his, and he does not have to explain to anyone who was the biological parent. Neither does his children.

I think the youngest one looks a lot like him. I don’t know about the older two. To me, they don’t look like him at all, but I don’t know. But as for all of us pretending, if all the parties involves (the children, the birth mothers, Jackson’s parents, etc) call Jackson their father and want to publicly state that he

I think a lot of the bad pictures of her are because she does her own makeup and then the camera flash makes it look a lot worse. I mean, I think she probably isn’t wonderful at doing her own makeup in the first place so I doubt it looks great in person either. But I’ve heard makeup people explain that if you don’t

Yeah, I agree. If we are honest, it’s crappy to make fun of any sort of celebrity meltdown. But when we are talking about people who have chosen to keep themselves in the spotlight and be a public figure with successful careers, I think it’s less nasty. I mean, I think the difference is that if we enjoyed (in some