
I didn't say such a woman couldn't have a relationship with a royal. I said that a playboy royal who spends his time racing cars and sailing is unlikely to be with a woman like that.

Oh my god, that’s just terrible. Yes, there is a cultural aspect for sure. That sort of pressure just sounds... exhausting. I’d be getting in fights right and left.

I never saw the mountain lion. They are pretty rare to see; they avoid people. Another hiker saw it and told me to watch out. Probably she’d stumbled upon it- surprised it. It was probably hiding before I got to the area. Still, it was scary.


Yes, exactly. Me too. This is exactly how I feel. That doesn't mean I want to take action and eradicate them, but when a shark rips the limbs off kids, I don't want someone to tell me how I need to think loving thoughts about the sharks. NO. What I feel is, those poor kids- fuck that shark.

NO. I agree that it’s a natural thing for a shark to do. Also that they aren’t really that dangerous when you consider how many millions of people swim in the ocean and how few people are attacked. But a shark bit and ripped the limbs off two kids. This isn’t a “oh, they’ll be ok” situation. This is a life-threatening

I haven’t hiked much near moose. I’ve hiked a lot near bears. Enough to have several encounters, one of which was terrifying. And enough to know that the DO attack sometimes which is frightening. I keep going, but yes it is scary.

I try, but it keeps washing off! Doesn't do much go on land.

I’m not afraid of things like that either. Certainly not enough to stop me from going outdoors. But once I was walking through a cavern and someone told me they had just seen a mountain lion crouching over a ledge that we had to walk under, and even though I know that it would be really bizarre for a mountain lion to

Well, to be fair, they wouldn't evacuate the beaches in Jaws after one attack either.

This makes me sad. Is there an increase in shark attacks? If so, it would have to be really small since the number of people attacked compared to the number of people who swim is already so exceptionally tiny that it would almost have to increase from zero. I don’t know- oceans getting warmer and more people on the

I believe it. Your dog might surprise you. My dog won’t take treats from me when I give her a bath. She submits to the bath, but she hates it, and she shows her protest by refusing the treats I try to give her for being good during the bath. It’s the only time she ever refuses treats from me.

Meh. Who cares. I doubt a playboy prince who spends his free time racing cars and going sailing is going to snag a molecular biologist or corporate CEO or something. Anyone with a serious career wouldn’t have time to be a prince’s girlfriend, so it makes sense he ends up with a model. I mean, really he’s got to be

Oh my...

Thanks, that's what I thought.

Yea I was thinking the same thing. Most royals just look like dressed up normal people, but that bride and groom are gorgeous. I highly recommend doing a google image search for Prince Carl Philip. It's not just the wedding glow that makes him hot. He is a very tasty looking man.

Is her's a pants suit? The pregnant woman appears to be wearing a flowing dress. The older woman in the pic below it is wearing a pants suit for sure, but I don't think the pregnant woman is. Though it's hard to tell.

By coworkers? Uggh that's terrible. How do they pressure you? How do you respond? That's a touchy situation because you don't want to cause trouble at work so you can't just tell them to bugger off.

GROSS. Uggh. Seriously, I'd feel like taking a shower after that.

Yes I agree. I’ve thought of that before. If someone is asking ME why I don’t have kids, then it doesn’t trouble me and I just tell them the answer. But it has occurred to me that the person who is asking is taking a pretty big chance: for all they know, I’ve got some traumatic (to me) reason why I don’t have kids. I