
One of the local news channels (where I applied for a job about 25 years ago and didn’t get it) asked a click bait question on Facebook on “How’s your morning commute?” Since the correct answer is “Duh, it sucks” I decided to be a little creative.

Pinzgauer for $25,500.

When you buy a car in the US, the sticker price doesn’t include tax. But if you buy in the EU, it always includes the tax. (VAT is a bitch.) So even if they cost the same, it would seem to be more expensive in Luxembourg.

In the USAF we would say “there goes his paycheck.”

The “tube” is actually squeezed flat by the muscles when they push the urine through. The most pain I experienced was when my stone moved from my kidney to my bladder. That was the “curl up in a ball on the floor and try to call for help but no sound will come out” moment for me. The stones are crystalline so they

Before the last season began, I wanted Walt to escape to Gray Matter to create a drug that would kill cancer cells, but also protect healthy cells. In other words, a cure that would both kill parts of a person, but still keep him alive. He would create it as a virus so it would easily spread.

I came here for the jokes about people who don’t use their heads when they drive.

Ramstein, Germany. About 1983.

Looks like pilot error to me.

This was an actual debate in Charlotte in the mid-1970's. The “uptowners” won because they said it sounded more cosmopolitan.

I go with Wilford Brimely. “No Pops, those are insulin syringes. Let me, umm, get them out of here. They’re probably collectors items.”

After the price of gas jumped up, a local TV station asked on Facebook to share our experiences with what we were seeing at the gas stations in our neighborhood. I thought “Well, I went to get gas, it was busy so I went somewhere else. It was even busier when drove by later. That’s gonna need some adjectives.”

I would expect it to be found by teenagers in a John Carpenter film.

At 4PM yesterday the needle on my gas gauge ventured into the gray area of uncertainty and I went to the station near my home where I usually buy gas. All pumps were taken and and angry looking drivers were circling the pumps like hungry hyenas around a dead water buffalo. Half the pumps had signs on them saying

There’s only one was to solve the issue of the candidates health:

We only found out Clinton had pneumonia after her public collapse was caught on camera and digitally beamed to the entire world. Up to that point her campaign was covering up her illness by saying it was allergies.

Political parties aren’t required to use democracy to select a candidate. They make the rules and could pull a name out of a hat if they wanted.

I’m going straight to YouTube to find the dashcam video.

How does any student buy books? Grants, student loans, money from parents and part time jobs.