
heat from the friction”

What makes you think these are armored at all? Bulletproof windshields? Ha. No.

Not true. North Korea wanted to unify the Korean peninsula, and failed. That we failed to unify under South Korean rule doesn’t mean we lost the war.

Yes, because this is a website about CARS and this story highlights how she used her CAR and her MANUAL TRANSMISSION to escape.

I don’t even read comment sections and yet the suggestion of “DON’T BUY A CAR” on a car website was so dire that I found myself summoned as if by a brace of wizards.

I’m going to have to ask you to leave now, please. Don’t make a scene.

To be completely fair, you can go to hell with the other left lane cruisers

I am very curious here. Trump and the National Security Team do not plan raids. This was done by Naval Special Warfare Group with approval from CENTCOM. Anyone in the long chain from the LTjg up to the 4 star could have stopped this raid if they felt it was going sideways before they hit the ground. That the Op went

No, I’m a doctor who knows that science doesn’t give a damn about what is PC; it only cares about facts. And the fact is, unless you have ovotesticular DSD, Klinefelter’s, congenital adrenal hyperplasia with XX genotype, complete androgen insensitivity with XY genotype, or 5-alpha reductase deficiency with XY genotype

Per my experience getting hit by airsoft and a bb gun, yes, They are vastly different experience.

The kangaroo was trying to make the dog say “uncle”. Kangaroos are nature’s bullies. I mean, have you ever had to go through their court system?

It’s a slow moving field.

I may have misunderstood, but molasses doesn’t get more viscous in cool air.

Too stealthy? How did they not see that coming?

Yes. If he was not keeping a safe enough distance to panic stop in time then yes he was riding outside of his skillset.

Glad I could help! Get that thing safe it’s too pretty.

People disagreeing with you doesn’t make them unintelligent. Stop shutting people down for not having the same opinion. Present your case, don’t run away.

They are using the wrong one.

The ending makes it, needs more stars