
Here’s another thing: The HOV lane is not the passing lane.

Tennessee recently started enforcing the move over law and the Nashville media have been writing about it. And everyone has been commenting on it. Including me.

Hi Tom,

So this happened 1500 years ago and we’re just now hearing about it?

I read article with Russian accent and bottle of Vodka in hand. It is good.

Yes, because we need roaming compliance officers to punish people for spending their own money on fuel. Feel free to draw up a plan based on Saudi Arabian religious police. Bonus points if you include public beatings with sticks.

The average car in Europe is small because the roads are so damn narrow.

This coup failed for the same reason that most fail.

Your neighbor who works down at the Chevy plant is a real nice guy to hang out with on Saturdays. But I used to get called out to work at a GM plant or two to work on servers, and your friendly neighbor is a real asshole to people in the plant who aren’t union members.

Needs moar cleavage.

Hague Convention, not Geneva.

“...the only downtime it needs is for refueling and rearmament.”

I’m surprised the cop responded. I had a guy go nuts and threaten to kill me over a traffic incident. I was going to let it go but someone else called the cops out of fear for my life. (I rolled up my window and pulled away. Windows are hard to punch through.) When the cops arrived I copied the video from my dash cam

“I drink and I type things.”

They could always join the United States. Britain would fit in well as a colony.

That’s actually across the street, not at the plant.

It’s almost certain it was done to suppress leaks to the media. But don’t plan on finding out who dies in the first episode. They’re going to drag this out to the second episode.

Once they find out they need Valyrian steel to fight the White Walkers they’ll have to go there.

Aren’t there any Mayan type people on the planet who can make a reliable calendar that tells how long winter will be and when it will start? Or maybe this planet just stays drunk and randomly meanders about the solar system.