
Speaking of Valvoline, I did my last oil change and they did the one before. When I was replacing the oil filter I noticed how small their’s was compared to the one that Autozone said was recommended for my car. (Autozone had a good deal on Mobil One and Purolator Boss filters that weekend.) It’s been three weeks and

My dad was depression era baby and his dad owned a service station. He grew up around cars and taught me all the basic maintenance (setting gaps on points, replacing water pumps...) I joined the Air Force when I was 18 and was a crew chief on fighter jets for 6 years, so I know a little bit about maintenance and how

I stopped watching curling after the steroid scandals of 1970's. But those East German women with the mustaches could really spin a rock.

The removal of stop signs is the Russian government’s way of teaching the masses that face punching is the first step in diplomacy. Putin: “I don’t like the way Crimea is looking at me. We must face punch.”

Somebody needs to buy my Xbox One before this beast goes on the market.

I have a feeling he was sitting at home thinking “I just spent 8 grand on this thing. If it doesn’t flood soon my wife is going to kick my ass.”

This reminds me of 1982 when I was the Audio/Photo Club at Ramstein. A rep was there showing off the brand new CD format, talking about the great sound and how the disc was unbreakable compared to an LP. He struck it on the edge of a table two or three times, as he had probably been doing all day, when it snapped into

I doubt his life was ruined. I was asked to resign because I missed two so called mandatory meetings in a row, that happened to be on my days off. (There’s a side story where I asked a co-worker when the second meeting was and he lied about it. I called him as a witness at my hearing and my boss decided his testimony

Time is relative. This probably occurred in the 1990's, which seemed to be about last week for me. But I clearly remember being able to pump before paying in the early 2000's.

Yes they were. They were the largest group of stupid and lazy people I’ve ever has the misfortune to be associated with.

This was related to me in 2002, so it would have been before then.

Would it be wrong to sell platinum magnets on Ebay?

I used to be a deputy sheriff for few short years in a mid sized city. There was a convenience store near one of the jails that would allow uniformed personnel to go in, pick up a soft drink from the fountain and not have to pay for it. (Its very common. There are businesses that literally want to force discounts and

Water jet vs. laser cutter? I’m sending this suggestion into Battlebots.

But will it blend?

This is why people who go to trade school are cooler than college grads.

A camera that doubles as a phone? That sounds just weird.

Next up - Radar and sonar controlled air bags for the front bumper.

Speaking of F-35's... How expensive would a basic F-35 airframe without all the electronic gadgets cost as a replacement (or supplement) to the A-10?

The T-38 and the Corvair: Contemporary, American designed, rear engined vehicles.