Why would he drive to Glasgow to pick up a car? If you think the drive up there was bad, try driving two cars back.
Why would he drive to Glasgow to pick up a car? If you think the drive up there was bad, try driving two cars back.
I oversteered once in an 1981 Chevette. It had dozens of horsepower.
Funny smells. If someone within a mile is riding his clutch, I know my car is preparing to burst into flames. I just know it.
I Armor All’d the bench seat in my 1972 Dodge Dart Demon once. You had to keep a death grip on the steering wheel to stay behind the important parts of the car.
A college degree to watch a car drive itself? Somebody call Mike Rowe. I want to hear his opinion on this.
I was hoping for “Torque Ratios.”
I had the strangest dream last night I was a muffler.
A 6'5", 289 lb 18 yr old who committed strong arm robbery and assaulted a cop is not usually considered to be a “little black kid.”
How hard would it be to steal a self-driving car?
Why do people record like this? Because they spend more time on their phones than on computers.
Every time you see the phrase “support troops” the Air Force spends another $100 million doing the Army’s job when it would rather be doing the Air Force’s job of achieving air superiority and bombing the shit out of our enemies.
Test vehicle for the Lunar Lander.
It was the car in front that caused the wreck, not the guy in back.
I think it was probably more like “Dan’s been here for 10 years and he’s going to ask for a raise. How do we get rid of him so we can replace him with a new college grad for $28,000 a year?”
I’m pretty sure that’s a C-17.
I worked for HP during the HP/Compaq merge and somewhere around 2009 all of us field techs were issued ipaq’s for use. By luck of the draw I was one of the last people to get one. They didn’t work out too well, and by the time I received mine, the word was out not to use it. Don’t open the box, don’t activate it, just…
Nobody’s reading that crap, so your lack of editing skilz has caused you to fail at making your point. Nobody knows what your wrote, and just as importantly, nobody cares.
I think the author is trying a little too hard to be offended.