
How is it the comics and the animated movies and series are able to capture the innocent but still mature and compelling goodness and appeal of this character, but a certain other medium just doesn't seem to get it?

Bruce Wayne becomes the Joker, and someone else takes up the Bruce Wayne identity as a symbol of hope and prosperity to the rest of Gotham.

Game looks fine. Like an old school halo. And it’s an interesting fleshing out of the universe. But no one whines like Metroid fans.

Except for the whole part where they list super violent games that were banned for being super violent.

To be fair, Batman did carry a gun back in the 40's. However to hold up Early Installment Weirdness as a character trait throughout the next 60 years is lunacy.

“Someone has a different opinion” is one way of putting it. Here’s another: A person in a position of power thinks that people with less power should stop acting like victims. This person, who helped create a game called AXE Body Spray Pogo Xtreme, argues that making games is not a job but an art. Therefore, he says,

Well, to be fair, Germain has obviously seen the movie, and Katharine obviously hasn’t. Does that clear things up?

Holy shit, I found someone who read the article before posting!!!!

It’s possible different people have different views.

I’m unable to comprehend that two people who write for the same website have two different opinions on something!

Oh God. This feels like some executives decided to prove he could be “creative”, and came up with the most soulless thing imaginable.

This could swear me off of demanding Hollywood come up with original movies.

This is about fans willingly playing on a private server because they prefer the old game over the new one. Are you going to claim that fans are wrong about what they find enjoyable?

Assuming that equal numbers of men and women play video games (which even if it isn’t currently true, will mostly likely become an end state):

I mean, there are plenty of folks in *real life* who are irritated with what gender they are, or what race they were born as, or how their body parts are shaped. I think it’s great to see a game stick to its guns in exploring that idea in an interactive medium. It’s a way, if limited in scope and a bit silly, to step

Uh, dude, Apple was the first to proliferate Emoji outside Japan. Their Emoji were based off of the original Softbank/DoCoMo designs.

What’s up with all the reposts lately? I think this is the 5th article in the last 3 weeks that was “originally posted” several days/months ago.

There is a secret to art; if you don’t have talent then you can survive as an artist on shock value alone.

Notice how we get a movie about humans dying to get the first Death Star plans, not about all the Bothans who died getting the second Death Star plans. That’s Hollywood specieisism for you.

I... really want to see more original Pixar movies. I want to see them take more risks: risks like the ones that brought us the Incredibles in the first place, not just another Incredibles.