
What about underwater?

Since they’re very fragile and very valuable, it makes sense that they’d want to take their time and be careful with the shipping.

I bet it’s TAY. (The crazy AI)

With the tons of free, sometimes decent-quality games on sites like Gamejolt and Kongregate I don’t see how piracy is justifiable. Even if you absolutely must play popular games, a single RPG will last you hundreds of hours nowadays, and I doubt someone wouldn’t be able to afford even one.

To be fair, one cent per minus one trip through their interface is a real steal.

Given his background, it was a huge missed opportunity to not have Bricken cover this story.

Did someone actually just walk up to him and ask, “Oi, love, fancy a shag?” I think that would be more newsworthy than a celebrity actor being an idiot.

Yeah, I think I agree. It wouldn’t be that bad if he’d just given an awful review to one game, but consistently targeting that studio’s games seems like crossing a line.

All they’d have to do to fix that is add a dislike button. If a level has significantly more dislikes than stars, it gets taken down. Problem solved.

Is this the worst Penny Arcade yet? Or has there been a worse one?

You mean like James Bond?

Honestly, there’s not a lot left to do with traditional Metroid. They’ve had dozens of alien planets, powerups, enemies, and bosses. They can’t add a story, because that failed the last time they tried.

I can’t wait for a chance to finally play my favorite game ever legally.