
The first installment follows an 11-year-old boy named Samuel Johnson

I’m okay with the new Trek show being the Nu-Trek universe, so long as we don’t see a Nu-Trek the Next Generation anyway.

Blizzard and id Software properties are tearing up the sales and rating charts, a Clinton is running for president, and the future of VR is huge news.

They obviously haven’t checked my bedroom.

Heck, id ought to buy the name and start selling DOOM-themed cleaning robots.

the Cap/Hydra twist is not different or worse than hundreds of other similar twists

Stan Lee didn’t create the character, for what that’s worth. And I mean, let’s face it, here’s Stan:

I’ve got that comic. The difference is he was never implied to be one his whole life (thus undermining the message of the character), and was pretending to be hypnotized by the skull so he could sock Hitler again.

So one thing people seem to forget about that “Cap punching out Hitler” cover was that it was actually really controversial when it was published. This was a full year before the US entered World War II, and a LOT of Americans were completely opposed to entering the war, and there were many who were sympathetic to the

Saw this gif on File 770 this morning.

doesn’t help that they didn’t even write any part of the story. Which was more along the lines of “Demons invade and an ancient good awakens to take them out”

Really, ActionTrip? “Master-Chief Lookalike Marine”? Really?

Pretty nice of Family Guy to allow the content they stole from another user to be returned to it’s original place. I’m sure they also made sure to send the original content creator a nice check for using their video.... Yeah right, what am I talking about.

The day companies get penalized for the day we have democracy back...

That gif is awful, have a proper replacement:

But you know, he needs to express that. Just in case nobody picks up on his more subtle clues that he might just be a damaged individual.

I just want to see the world burn.