
I don't really see a problem with the CGI or the animation, creepy oogly kitty notwithstanding. The Smurfs themselves don't look bad at all. They look a little like claymation, actually. It still, I hasten to add, looks like a stupid fucking movie and I will not be getting anywhere near this blue little turd come

I have no explanation for that except that I had just gotten home from work and I was very, very tired. Honest.

Suckin' on my Rockies like you wanted me

That is one of the most beautiful things I've seen in my entire life. Breathtaking.

Needles in the eye, bah! Entomologist Justin O. Schmidt allowed himself to be stung by dozens (hundreds?) of insects of the order hymenoptera, from nearly painless sweat bees to unspeakably agonizing bullet ants, in order to develop his Schmidt Sting Pain Index. The short Wikipedia entry is pretty entertaining read,

I haven't yet but it's been recommended to me so many times now I think I'll bump it to the top of my (ridiculously long) reading list.

Lemme guess... mutant neutrinos! But, if the Earth lost its gravity, wouldn't it just kinda explode? I mean, that's an awful lot of heat and pressure and suddenly there's nothing holding it together anymore. Or am I missing something? I'm probably just not thinking this through correctly. Maybe because it doesn't

Smells like some genuine hard sci-fi. More please.

An actress, a particle physicist and a comedian walk into a bar...

We can't eat jewelry either. What's your point?

So Americans can spend somewhere around $30 billion a year on jewelry, $10 billion on cosmetic surgery, $7 billion on potato chips, $10 billion on porn, $35 billion on cruises, $100 billion motherfucking dollars on fast food but we piddle all over ourselves at the though of spending $4 billion on something that might

You forgot "Solve complex math problems", as in bacterial computers. And we know where that will eventually lead: []

Yeah, I program all the female characters in my holodeck programs so that all I have to do is reach down the front of their shirts and they'll immediately start taking my pants off. It'll even work on Mrs. Beezleton here. Watch.

I'm really surprised at the MTM vs RP bickering going on down below. As I recall, they both sucked. Hard.

You know, it's funny, I was just saying to myself the other day, "You know what io9 needs, self? Frames! You know, like back in the old Angelfire days? Wouldn't that be neat-o? Wouldn't that be keen?"

@MisterFoo: That's ok, no one wants to talk to a dick head.

In the southern hemisphere, men spin counter-clockwise when they get sucked into vaginas. It's true.

"...and more time is being spent in post-production beefing up the effects..."

I am really not a violent person by any measure. I don't even hurt bugs if I don't have to. I break for animals. But so help me, if you geneticists mess up my chocolate I WILL FUCK YOU UP. I ain't even playin'.

@aamadis: Well, I got a little carried away. The same thing happened with the stills from Tintin a few weeks ago. I reserve final judgment as to whether either film will suffer from the uncanny valley effect until I've seen some animated footage but the stills look absolutely fine to me; like typical stylized cartoon