
No. Just no. This is a train wreck so far. I feel like I’m in the same place as I was partway into the Star Wars prequels: “Maybe something brilliant is coming that will tie it all together and it will be great!” That, of course, didn’t happen. And I strongly suspect that Season 3 of ST:P will feel a lot like how we fe

I could be remembering incorrectly, but I thought they said she hit the Borg Queen in her most vulnerable spot. But even if I’m wrong, I feel like A, B, and C are plenty ridiculous all on their own.

Can’t wait for 2024 when I can purchase my own umbrella-forcefield generating drone swarm!

That walking tour video seriously triggered my acrophobia and is the actual devil. Especially the parts where he walked out on the planks or whatever you call them. *shudders*

TR4-250 is correct. That height was the “run up”, or surge, of the wave on the side of the narrow canyon opposite that of where the landslide occurred.

It’s worth noting that many pesticides are acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. It’s also worth noting that most nerve agent chemical weapons, like VX, sarin, and novichok, are also acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.

I can tell I’m getting old because instead of being excited about this I feel something like mild dread. Sequels that come along decades after the previous entry are rarely, if ever, anything more than ham-fisted fan service.
Am I wrong? Can anyone name a good one?

Ooh, yes, another wine/food pairing to chekov my list. Now where did I put my quarkscrew?

Dust devils—or in this case, a coal devil...

Absolutely nothing, since I’m not one of the 147 million who was affected by the hack.

I like that idea a lot, especially the moral dilemma. Voyager did something quite similar with Tuvix, which was one of its best episodes. I think the massive amount of talent involved in ST:P would do it even better.

Whatever it is, it will have to come from either The Lord of the Rings (and appendices) or The Hobbit, OR more likely, completely invented out of whole cloth. That’s because the Tolkien estate, currently led by Tolkien’s 94 year old son Christopher, openly DESPISES any and all adaptations of J.R.R. Tolkien’s works and

I honestly can’t think of a reason to take B4 apart, so....

I can’t recall the name of the episode off the top of my head (it’s the one with Data’s “mother”), but in a later season of TNG they pull a retcon and mention that Data has an “aging program” that causes his appearance to age like a human. In light of that, Data (if that really is Data) appearing (relatively) ageless

Me (2 minutes ago): Fuck CBS and their “All Access” bullshit. I’ll fucking pirate this show before I spend more money on a subscription service!

The Food and Drug Administration is advising consumers not to purchase or use Big Penis

I suspect that was meant as a joke. I bet it’s an outright knee-slapper in the original Russian.

Check it out in Google Earth Pro. Looking at the historical imagery, the area was nothing but woods and fields in September, 2005.

Agreed. Dante’s Peak is relatively realistic (though certainly not perfect), features good performances from Pierce Brosnan and Linda Hamilton, and most of all, has several scenes that are genuinely upsetting and intense (the death of the Brosnan character’s wife in the opening scene and the acid lake scene later on

I feel you. I mean, that’s really the crux of it all isn’t it? Gravity’s a bitch.