
I’m a fan of the ship shipping ship shipping shipping ships.

Is that the cable channel with the people addicted to eating toilet paper, or the other one with similarly useless reality shows?

It’s been around since 1962, which I say in the post. And no, I don’t have cable. 

A significant part of that height was created by the fact the the wave occurred in a kind of bowl formed by the mountains. Having only one way to go out, the wave climbed the walls.

Pshaw. 492 feet is nothing.

Shutting down the only dedicated politics website in your portfolio right before the 2020 election, one of the most consequential of our lifetime, kicks into high gear. Essentially shutting down the second-most highly trafficked website in your portfolio because one out of every twenty five posts rankles you. I’m not

Chiming in to say BRAVO to James for always giving us the most tremendous trailer breakdowns.

One of my twitter followers pointed out that my tone might somewhat oversell this idea, so here’s a reminder that it’s really a pretty speculative thought exercise. Treat this blog as “wow! That’s a weird thing to think about!” rather than “wow, I better go tell my friends there’s a black hole orbiting the solar

That’s a bingo! In fact most nerve agents come from pesticide research, the G-series from gerhard schrader and the V-series from ICI in the 50s. The soviet Novichok agents are probably derived from ICI’s patents.

Exceptions, sadly, are not the rule.


+1 Girl, You Know It’s

Pay a bill I wouldn’t have been able to otherwise.  Hooray. 

It could be “Measure of a Man” level of Star Trek. Tuvix was great as well for it’s moral conflict.

Data has been my favorite character for pretty much my entire life and to see the character continue on the big or small screen is a huge draw for me.  At the same level as seeing Patrick Stewart return to the Picard

My father’s proctologist’s name is Dr. Heiney. I shit you not.

My head cannon hopes have been as follows.T

he sum of Data’s programming and memories were loaded into B-4, or his soul in more meta terms, that he has an effective full backup in a less than capable Soong type android. The timestamp of the backup being shortly before Data’s demise at the end of Nemesis. Since B-4 is

Oh good. I was a little worried that the owner would be found in the same place as the USB stick. In the poo.

They don’t call them leopard seals for nothing.

It could be in the future. In 20,000 years from now, 10,000 years from now will be a long time ago.

Meanwhile, in Japan...