LOL @ all the outrage below. Did everyone run out of grains of salt?
LOL @ all the outrage below. Did everyone run out of grains of salt?
@tetracycloide: The nickname was coined during production of Alien and later picked up by the fans. It's not the official name of the species and I don't think you have to worry about hearing it in the movies.
@AmishJohn: Meh.: On the contrary, while you never see them clearly, a pair of tits feature prominently in the opening scene. I know it's dark and you can barely make any nipples but you can see them well enough that the scene is edited when it airs on television.
I can't remember if i tried to sell this idea here before but I've always argued that rating standards have, in some cases, gotten more strict with time and I always use Jaws as an example. If you released Jaws today it would get an R rating. I can't picture a PG-13 in theaters now with that many bleeding severed…
I don't buy it. Certainly not the part about the $250 million. Scott's no dummy. You don't make a $250 million R-rated film with a property that's never brought in anywhere near that amount of revenue. I call bullshit.
@Smeagol92055: ACK! A succubus!
"Awww, sweeties, I want to wuv you and kiss you and hug you and squeeze you forever and ev... AHHHGGH! MY FACE, IT RIPPED OFF MY FACE!"
It looks like a fucking fish tank.
I haven't seen any of the movies on that list but I find it hard to believe any of them can hold a candle to a stupid little movie called The Item which somehow found it's way onto the shelves of Blockbuster Video stores about ten years ago. I can't remember what the back cover said but I do remember that it was…
Ah, yes, the rare venereal form of rabies. Once it reaches this stage, there's nothing to be done for it.
@ProgHead777: Not sure what the problem is here. I can't post images and I can't edit my posts. Is it just me?
Steven Lang is a cool guy. This is starting to look really interes...
That was a surprisingly irritating 1 minute and 53 seconds. I can't imagine what it's like to watch the entire movie. I feel queasy thinking about it.
Derek Zoolander is the Shrike.
@syafiqjabar of Mars: That makes sense to me. The biomechanical nature of the aliens always implied to me that they were, uh, intelligently designed, pardon the expression. Although, it is kind of fun to imagine just what sort of environment would produce creatures like that through natural selection. I'm sure it…
Don't you people watch The "History" Channel? You know, those "documentaries" with Graham Hancock and Robert Schoch? It's not the magnetic field that shifts, it's the Earth's crust! That is, as per Occam's Razor, this simplest explanation, is it not? You'll see, when the antarctic ice cap melts to reveal the lost…
Wow, reading some of these comments, I feel almost normal for thinking it was a sunspot right off the bat. And if you can make me feel normal, you've got some serious issues, people.
Amazingly, they've discovered the only conceivable way to make the character of Neelix more annoying. Neelix-centric episodes of Voyager would replace the Barney theme song as the psychological torture method of choice in secret prisons the world over. It's a horrifying thought. *shudder*