
Completely agree. I’m sure he’s got pressure to attend from lots of sides since he’s the most recent Republican President, but I’m sure he’d rather be with family. H.W. hasn’t been doing too well recently.

I would kill for this. Certain games have their openings embedded in my memory for how many times I’ve fired them up only to realize I’m lost, start a new file, play 30 minutes, and then get pissed I had to play something I remembered again.

I got a pre-order in this morning, and I’m already having second thoughts. This launch lineup is... really not super great. I’ve got some thinking to do. I would really love a special edition console...

I wish I was good enough at Bloodborne to do this! I seriously struggled with the normal chalices and felt crazy accomplished when I beat Queen Yharnam.

Yeah, I’m learning a lot right now. Several acts of Parliament pertain to this and it all starts back in 1760 with King George III. Seems like the monarch could potentially just not agree to anything and cause a massive crisis. It’s actually really fascinating.

This is fascinating. I’m now getting more curious. Reading about the Sovereign Grant Act of 2011 and going back to the Civil List Acts, couldn’t the reigning monarch technically just not agree to any of this? I mean, that would cause something like a huge civil war and end up eradicating the monarchy, right? I’m

Well goddamn. I was mis-informed. Seemed like a legitimate source, too! Hm, I’ll need to do some more reading about this.

I actually just learned about this! The money the Royal Family receives from the British government pales in comparison to the revenue from all of the property they own. Remember, Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace are both owned outright by the Royals and are essentially on loan to the British government. I believe

But Kotaku is the #1 Destiny fansite on the internet! How could there be NO Destiny posts in this?

Oh man. The store I worked at had a very small manga section so that wasn’t ever an issue for us, but I cringe every time I see that behavior in another store.

Son of a bitch. I just started maining Roadhog! I mean, I still will since he’s my favorite hero, but damn.

Ran into this over the weekend after I finally bought the game. Got my buddies to join me for 3v3 so I could get the box for the initial victory and then of course some ass runs Mei and drags it out for 20 minutes. It was great once we finally stomped them, but holy hell, not touching 3v3 again until this gets fixed.


I’m still somewhat confused as to WHY the US continues to have such a tight-knit relationship with Israel. I remember a West Wing episode about a map that would upset people since Israel wasn’t on it but that’s because it was old and Israel wasn’t a thing yet.

I can’t believe Destiny fansite Kotaku isn’t heavily anticipating the rumored 2016 release of Destiny 2. For shame.

Jason? Are you dead?


The inconsistency of her “i” and “I” in that post frustrates me to no end.

I’m a complete corporate whore, and I know this is marketing, but whoever thought of this deserves a raise.

Nah, the leveling structure is kind of messed up unfortunately. The game has evolved a lot since launch, and leveling up via exp is kind of a relic of older game design at this point. Now it’s all about “light level” which is acquired via gear. The 40 boost is actually great since it’ll let new players jump in and

Nah, the leveling structure is kind of messed up unfortunately. The game has evolved a lot since launch, and