I tried really hard to enjoy this game. I couldn’t do it though. The writing was just too plodding, the plot was incredibly silly, and the characters were just bad.
I tried really hard to enjoy this game. I couldn’t do it though. The writing was just too plodding, the plot was incredibly silly, and the characters were just bad.
The ambiguous sentence is what caused me to rip up my notes and look up a guide online. I was so incredibly pissed at that sentence. I also made the fatal mistake of trying to organize the seating chart into the actual door lock. So my notes were super constrained. All in all, terrible choice, but super cool puzzle!
I hear there’s some Eververse only armor this time around. I’m ashamed to admit how much silver I bought to acquire my precious ghost ghost, but if the armor is cool... I just love Destiny so much!
I bought the Bloodborne top cover when it was released, but I would replace it in a second with a kingdom hearts themed one. Going to have to investigate on how to acquire one of these.
I’ll never get tired of seeing this everywhere.
I think we only saw 2 hosts achieve consciousness, Maeve and Delores. If Maeve’s whole story was to escape, why did she get off the train? She was given the information about where her child was and made a choice at the end, one that (hopefully) wasn’t programmed for her.
Icebreaker is my jam. I cannot wait for this to come back.
Downloading as we speak so I haven’t had a chance to listen yet, but I’ve got to say that the monthly fee for 14 is really a mental block for me. I played the game for about a month and thoroughly enjoyed it, but couldn’t mentally overcome paying for the service each month. I know that’s insane. I know I pay for…
Now we can finally have the ride everyone’s always dreamed of: The Wizard! A stunning battle against power glove wearing fools with a Super Mario bros 3 surprise at the end! And maybe a dead twin sister at that dinosaur attraction! Who knows!
Great review, Jason! Although, I’m curious about the combat. I played the demo that was open to everyone on PSN, and the combat felt slow and clunky. I know in the past you’ve mentioned that it’s much better than said demo. Could you compare it to any other games? I’ve heard comparisons to Kingdom Hearts, but it seems…
I’m bullish on those plastic sewing organizers you can buy at hobby stores. Pretty much all my more involved board game pieces are stored this way.
Yeah, I found eviolite last night and Charjabug has been tanking like a beast ever since.
Oh man. Vast Poni Canyon looks like it’s much later in the game than I thought! My poor charjabug!
Male Popplio’s can be fabulous too. Nickname it Ru Paulpplio for puns down the line!
Oh yeah. Sometimes in caves I just lose it and repel so I can finish. It’s not super often, but it’s definitely nice to have.
Have fun! Pick the Pokémon you like best, and train up. Always have extra poke balls and repel. And don’t worry about anything hardcore until you’ve beaten the game. You’ll know when that is.
So, teams? This is a great distraction today.
I think you might be my hero today. Don’t lose that fire, harness it, focus, and know that we’ll come back from this. That’s all I can do, since every other article either infuriates me or makes me want to weep.
Ah Jason, you are the best.
Agreed. There are some really interesting abilities and typings, too. I’m all about the meta getting switched up. It looks like GF also made some stat changes to older pokes, but none that are particularly crazy. Dugtrio going up to base 100 atk is pretty awesome though! I loves me some Dugtrio.