
Where did you find him? I'd guess he's a wandering NPC like before, but I'd still like to check.

I'm just asking these questions. I have no idea. I know servers cost a lot to maintain, I know that its difficult to predict how everything is going to be played out, but I feel like with Call of Duty, you can reasonably take your prediction of subscribers and boost it by what, 15-20 percent? On some level, I think

How is it that we're still having server issues in this day and age?

I think you're right. Through like software emulation or something. But I do have a 20 gig launch system, although now the only really need a Kingdom Hearts HD/Digital re-release and I can upgrade to a slim.

Isn't there also one more, the P-wing? I thought I saw a video that if you die like 10 times, you get the P-wing and it just zips you to the end of the level immediately. Did you guys try that out?

Even though I own this on disk and have a backwards compatible PS3, I feel like I should buy this so Square knows I want a new entry into the series.

I looked. But only to do a ctrl-f for Rachni. That's the only thing I cared about. Came up with about 20 hits, so I am satisfied. No idea how they come into the game, only that they're there.

Just bought it. Thanks for the heads up Kotaku! I couldn't pass up the deal for $1.99

I usually glance at it maybe once when its an in-game unlockable. Sometimes there is actually some cool stuff there, like a style evolution of the main character. But as something included in special editions, I don't actually care that much.

I have high hopes for the sequel. The game felt like a less stressful Resident Evil. The story was fairly engrossing and they did have some really cool set pieces. The awesome musical stage battle comes to mind.

When people argue about who "won" a console generation, they usually go by console sales, not the experience on said console.

Well, $10 is definitely in the range of impulse buy for Back to the Future. I'm not a huge fan of point and click games, but I'll make an exception for this one. Plus, I do so enjoy building my Steam library for once I finally get a desktop again.

The thing that's really cool about this is that it isn't DLC, it's included as a download on the second disk! You just have to install it onto the HDD in order for it to work, no internet connection required!

Nah, I thought she was kind of endearing in Dr. Horrible, and I watched a couple episodes of the guild, but it just didn't click with me. She's ok, but I don't know why she's been elevated to geek goddess status.

Yeah, this is really sucks. We've known about Catwoman having a playable role in singleplayer for some time now, so it's not like offering the first few DLC packs for free ala Bioware. This is locking away single-player, on disk, planned content and that's not right.

Pretty creative idea for a charity auction. If I was a big WoW gamer, this would be an awesome thing to own. Hell, I'm not a WoW gamer and I think its cool.

Why in gods name did you play through XIII 4 total times???? Theres just so much stuff before you get to the "real" game it would probably be unbearable for me to play through those opening 20 hours now. Obviously you enjoy the game but still...

So, do the houses really feel different? Like is Stark predisposed towards military and Lannister towards guile etc...?

Wonderful. Now that stupid Sonic Adventure rock song is stuck in my head. It's a good song, but even hearing that little snippet at the end there has it embedded in my brain. Thanks a lot Sega.

You , sir, win 100 internets for that picture. Awesome Dog, too.