
Ben the Motorcycle Guy could be ugly. Who knows. Probably why he keeps the helmet on.

That would be awesome!

You will be forever in my heart just for posting this. Also, three other who knew about Frisky Dingo replied to you, so...Frisky Dingo Season 3 confirmed? We'll finally learn the whereabouts of Killface's pants!

Seriously. This is like asking "Would you like to become an honorary Stark?"

I feel like this look is what the splicers from Bioshock were going for.

Smeagol was a good answer, but I liked your post better when I thought you were choosing God.

This was way better than the Blair Witch Project.

Towards the end, when she was saying she knew the eel liked her, it looked an awful lot like the eel tried to knock her air out. Twice.

Are you referring to Schwip Schwap?

Could be worse. The *ahem* DNA could have been deposited after the murder.

The Overlook Hotel from "The Shining." All you have to do is not be psychic/have the shining, and you're safe. I'm not psychic, so Delbert Grady and his ilk can fuck off.

Him or Mark Z. Danielewski.

Thankfully, there's a how-to manual for this situation:

I love this book! We used it in elementary school for writing prompts. I loved it so much that I bought a copy as an adult. I still flip through it and get all kinds of wild ideas.

I haven't seen that movie since I was a kid. Sounds like I need to rewatch it...

I haven't seen that show, but it sounds cool. Sounds a lot like Umberto Eco's novel Foucault's Pendulum. Like "Hustle" for semioticians.

That last line really made me wish there was a Lovecraft themed episode of Quantum Leap. (There wasn't, was there?!)

I don't know if it's the series you're referring to or not, but the Nightrunner series by Lynn Flewelling fits that description.

Nicely done