
Maybe Oklahoma should triple their oil tax rate to bring them up to the average with Texas, North Dakota, and Montana.

You are misinformed. Vegans don’t say cats should stop eating meat. Just humans. Which is true.

So I’m pulling this idiot out of the greys because this is just too hilarious. “Completely normal” that is not, and I’m confident if you did a survey that’d be proven. My parents call each other by their first names, you know like most spouses. Even my most formal and heavily Christian grandparents called each other

And The President wants to call his daughter ‘Wife’.

Until we win, are we supposed to just be subject to mistreatment, bias, and harassment as soon as we walk out the door?

Haven’t you seen his tweets? There weren’t any shoes.

Craig Gurian, the executive director of the Anti-Discrimination Center in New York, offered a blunt (and perhaps obdurate) defense of New York City’s public accommodations law: “To the extent that there are workplaces or public accommodations that have inappropriate behavior, the solution is to fix those workplaces or

I think the “My candidate didn’t win the bid so I’m going show them who’s boss by voting 3rd party or not voting at all” attitude is kind of a myth, though. The only evidence I’ve ever heard for it is the ~10% of Bernie primary voters who voted for Trump, but put in context with the fact that the 2008 Hillary/Obama

Because others like an artist more than I do, I want that artist destroyed!

No it’s not true. Antifa is not an organization as such. Antifa has people involved that are democratic socialists, communists and yes, anarchist.

People aren’t suggesting his testicles be cut from his body and he be strung up from a tree to slowly strangle to death. People are suggesting he banned from obtaining monetary profits from performances on a single website.

I hate when people misuse the word censorship. This is a dude fucking up at his place of business and his bosses demoting, possibly firing him. He can go can film as many dead bodies as he wants. He can put them up on any server that will have them. A major corporation doesn’t have to bankroll it.

Logan Paul does not have a right to be be on youtube, or Google Preferred, or similar platforms. People have every right to be pissed off over his juvenile assholery, filing a dead body like it’s a joke. Google has the right to kick him to the curb for tarnishing their image by association.

I don’t disagree completely, but the outrage isn’t just about having a dead body in the vid, it’s about how they disrespected the dead (choosing to film the body before calling authorities, cracking jokes around the body while it was still hanging, etc...). Believe me, if you saw the video you’d understand how

The idea of a moral vacuum in which everything is permissable and nothing is truly wrong, that’s like a Black Mirror episode.

Anyone who traipses into the holy of holies like that, a place of known suffering and anguish with that fucking hat on, saying what he said, doing what he did is either a complete sociopathic narcissist, or is an undeveloped immature child that has never experienced death or real loss in his life first-hand. Either

Good first step, but not enough. I don’t wanna see this little shit uploading anything onto YT ever again AND I want his existing shit gone.

It’s taken us a long time to respond, but we’ve been listening to everything you’ve been saying.

It isn’t always a bad partner thing. As a dude, when I first started having sex, I had become so used to self-servicing (and so worried about “doing it right”) that the only way I could finish is manually. There’s so much to know about enjoying sex, and so little education that exists. It made me feel like I was

Given that your responses amount to, “I am the best at sex, and everyone else just needs to accept that I am the male equivalent of Aphrodite on several doses of Viagra,” I’m going to go ahead and go with two assumptions that I feel relatively safe in making:

1.) You are likely relatively inexperienced, or what