
They didn’t clarify that they were planning to offer late afternoon discounts because they weren’t - the “dynamic pricing” they were referring to using their digital menus that can adjust prices in real time really only works if it increases pricing during busy periods. As you mentioned, nobody is checking an app to

“When I say payments, I actually mean someone’s entire financial life,” Musk said during the meeting, according to audio obtained by The Verge. “If it involves money. It’ll be on our platform. Money or securities or whatever. So, it’s not just like send $20 to my friend. I’m talking about, like, you won’t need a bank

Yeah, I really, really, REALLY, don’t get this.
I mean, the entire point, the reason for its existence, and why I loved the app, was that the app forced people to:
1. Use their words.
2. Keep it short.
By forcing those two restrictions, everyone was turned into poets on culture, and now?
Pfft, if I wanted to use a cell

“if you need convincing, this isn’t for you you’re a person of at least moderate intelligence.”

My point was that just because something is so stupid that it make the concept of using a pair of trousers as a parachute smart by comparison, doesn’t mean someone won’t do it. Especially someone who is as “brilliant” and “unpredictable” as Musk.

If I was Dorsey, I’d launch Blusky, watch as it totally tanks Twitter, then buy Twitter back from Musk at a fire sale price, then just shut it down.

You can fuzz about the current state as much as you want, but the nothing changes the long term plan.

When I saw that the ADL has started advertising on Twitter again, I realized that the world is more fucked up than even my pessimistic mind realized and we’re all really screwed.

Write a check big enough and you can oust anyone from any company at any time. The only law of business is money. Whoever has the most money has the control.

It's almost as if it's not some massive conspiracy and he's just a fucking idiot. 

Speaking as a gay: those people are quisling trash, and you’re a miserable lying cunt.

“We need to protect the children at all costs*!!”

Nothing is gonna be done though. The GOP would need to acknowledge that bringing down America for petty personal gain is a bad thing, and they are all in on it not being so. And the Dems would need to find a spine, somewhere, and admit that business as normal and moral high ground posturing is not going to work any

Taking the “when yer famous they let you do anything” a little too much like an instruction manual and not a cautionary tale.

THANK YOU for some actually useful, legal information. Though I would add another as well.

I’m stealing this from a thoughtful commenter (h/t Seabassy) over on the Jezebel article ( on this, explaining how this is affecting people and, importantly, places you can donate, if you’re able, to help with what can be fairly

I will never forget the episode where Jeff Daniel’s character is asked what makes America the greatest country in the world. He responds, basically, that it isn’t... but it sure use to be.

The call is coming from inside the house.

You’re making a mistake about 45. You are assuming he can, in any way, shape, or form, identify with anything outside himself. His definition of Treason can only mean personal betrayal of himself. Literally. This is how this man thinks. He does not care or even register the legal or constitutional definitions of such