
This may be true, but that doesn’t change the fact that art shouldn’t be used to train AI systems without the artist’s permission and they should be compensated for that use. 

Except if it’s really so cheap that it’s not a burden, it also won’t be a burden to anyone to pay bots. You think that someone who finds it useful to run a Romanian bot farm would be bothered by the notion of paying a nominal fee for those bots? 

True, it is - I still have my original account, although I’m not sure whether that’s a brag or a guilty admission LOL. But today’s MySpace is so completely different from the original that I’m not sure it counts. 

On the other hand, if your goal is to combat anti-Semitism, then you don’t need to advertise to the people that already agree with you. The people you need to reach are exactly the sort of people that have flocked to Twitter. 

He doesn’t actually have a traditional fiduciary duty to most of the investors. They were smart enough to require actual repayment of their money instead of taking an equity stake in the company. They aren’t going to care how much money Musk loses as long as he makes the payments on time.

There are - or were - some actual vibrant communities on Twitter before Musk, although many of them fled when Musk decided to turn it into alt-right central. I suspect that the biggest reason that a lot of brands remain is that they’ve built big followings and they figure they might as well stay as long as they’re

He’s not even the famous one. This is more like a variation of “Don’t you know who my father is?” In this case, it’s “Don’t you know my brother’s famous?”

Or maybe you could quit being too stupid to comprehend what you read.

I try really, really hard not to think of Ozymandias these days. 

There’s also no attorney/client privilege unless the attorney is actually performing legal work. None of what Rudy’s been up to comes within shouting distance of being legal work - a fact that he’s quite helpfully pointed out himself several times.

The difference in color between his face and hand suggests a poor choice in foundation color more than it does PAD. If you catch the side angle, you can clearly see the line where the make-up stops along his jawline and in front of his ear.

God, how I miss the days when conservatives could express complex ideas in complete sentences. They were still always wrong, but at least you could understand what the flying hell they were trying to say.

Except overweight people involuntarily lean backwards to compensate, not forwards, which would put them even more off-balance. Watch any pregnant woman for an even more pronounced version.

Well, far be it from me to point out that no one’s actually come up with any evidence that either of the Bidens did anything. But let’s set aside the sheer stupidity of expecting someone to blow up his family over some random bullshit spouted by a pair of raving lunatics. We’ll sit it next to the idiocy of expecting a

You’re missing the point entirely, though. It doesn’t matter all that much what Howard Hughes the real person was like (although from every bit of information available, his portrayal in Aviator is far more accurate than Melvin and Howard, which is Melvin’s story and actually has very damned little to do with Hughes).

“The most important in the world to me is my family, and I can’t in good conscience force them to continue taking such unwarranted abuse from a madman so willing to use them to hurt me that he’s willing to commit treason to do so.”

And if these retention systems actually depended on one of the mango menace’s political appointees to operate them, I might agree with you, but that’s not gonna be the case. Deciding what should and should not be stored on servers like this all too often is the purview of appointed hacks, but the actually doing the

Correction: he speaks like a made guy.

You deserve far more than the one little star I can offer, my fine sir and/or ma’am. Not only has Woodward been coasting off the same story for 50 years, he wouldn’t have managed to make anything out of THAT story if he hadn’t stapled himself to Bernstein.

Not entirely fair - damn few reporters ever get even a fraction of the public attention that Woodward and Bernstein did, because at the end of the day, damn few reporters ever have the good luck to stumble into a massive story that literally impacted the entire world. And yes, they stumbled into it when Woodward was