
I think they’re giving away money because it’s a nice tidy tax deduction that also give them a nice mention in connection with someone as popular around the world at Barack Obama. 

You little rant would have been so much more effective if you hadn’t decided that “... if i had to take an educated guess, would be a shot at his intelligence” would be an appropriate connection to make to a mention of dyslexia. Are you not aware that dyslexia and intelligence are not mutually exclusive?

I suspect that no one at CNN is worried about her actual ethnicity. They know that there’s a sizable percentage of potential viewers will simply assume that she’s Hispanic.

I am always eternally grateful my father never points out that way back in the Dark Ages (the 1970s), he told me that I should abandon my notions of a journalism major and instead should study computers, because they were going to be a thing. 

I’m sorry, but no. If you actually WROTE for a newspaper, you’re apparently far too qualified.

I’m glad I’m not the only one confused by this line of reasoning. It’s his fault that Comey decided to wait until days before an election to talk about searching a computer that the FBI had had in its possession for weeks looking for emails that his wife downloaded at some point when she borrowed the laptop?

Bingo. He’s only going to get one swing at this, so he knows it’s got to be absolutely perfect.

I’d pay to see that. 

I think you’d find that very few college students give a happy rat’s ass about yearbooks, and they generally don’t sell huge numbers of copies. Nothing remotely resembling the way high school students buy them.

Hell, crossing the border isn’t even a misdemeanor. It’s a civil violation that may be prosecuted criminally. Before 2005, such criminal prosecutions were extremely rare unless there were aggravating circumstances. Good ol’ W changed all that so that we could all be safe from those scary, scary brown people. Never

“There’s paperwork for the Trail of Tears. We know what happened. That doesn’t make it okay, but at least we know. It’s history we can point at, as opposed to a black hole.”

I’m guessing that there are a lot of people that haven’t had the fun of trying to get a certified copy of the birth certificate that they need to get their official state-issued identification card because they need the official state-issued identification card in order to get the certified copy of the birth

“How many people do you know that get arrested and are allowed to take their toddler to jail with them?”

“The question about why do 40 and 50-somethings share nude photos of each other like teenagers will go unanswered”

Guy cant even do dick pics properly

Stirring it might also have been a thought, but maybe that’s just for the advanced chef.

Dammit, I wanted to say that.

No matter how good your intentions or how meticulous your research notes, sooner or later that beautiful piece of prose you’re so proud of turns out to be from an article you didn’t remember reading a year before you started the project you used it in.

Well, ya know, if you see something, say something. 

Well, if you want to talk about the Dunning-Kruger effect, get a mirror.