
Overland Park is a suburb of Kansas City, an area where you can literally walk across the street to go from one state to another. And unlike some metropolitan areas, very few of the suburbs in the area have any sort of ‘identity’ outside of this area itself. I haven’t lived in Kansas City itself since 1965 - I haven’t

But there’s a decided difference between saying “blackface wasn’t something we did around here” and “there were/are no racists where I grew up.”

Well, of COURSE he needs a specialty toilet. It’s American Standard model 2315.228.020.

Somehow, I can’t quite picture Barr rising to the level of a Leon Jaworski, though. I doubt he’s going to do a damn thing to bring Trump down. At best, he’s gonna just try to stay out of the way so that his suit doesn’t get dirty when the shit really starts flying. 

Except oops, no, it isn’t a real thing. It’s entirely up to the committee chair whether to allow additional time - and Nadler is the committee chair. If he wants to ask questions for hours on end, all he has to do is give himself permission to do so. 

I’m not sure whether the problem is the filibuster, or whether it’s that the filibuster isn’t the filibuster any more.

Meh, it’s just a leftover from the founding of the colony, when the governors were appointed by the Crown. Give ‘em a few more decades and they might get around to changing that. Or, what with it being South Carolina, they might not. I mean, they still haven’t quite adjusted to the fact that there’s more than one

“The quickest way to get us off fossil fuels” is somehow a teensy bit less compelling to me than that idea that even if an accident doesn’t turn the entire Eastern Seaboard into a glow-in-the-dark model, we haven’t come up with a better way to deal with the waste product that hauling it across the entire country to

I’d watch that.

No, but I’m pretty sure they can adopt such a rule going forward.

The problem is that like so many other things we’ve seen since the elevation of the dumpster fire, no one ever put a rule in writing before because they assumed that the majority of people elected to office would, in fact, be rational human beings.

Who needs to come through his yearbooks? We already have pictures of grown-up adult Mitch being handed awards in front of gigantic Confederate flags, and response from Republicans is, “But Hillary! Obama! Something something emails Benghazi uranium child sex rings!”

No. Just, no. I was roughly the same as these guys in the 80s, and no, blackface did NOT “signal something different.” 

Maybe there are some advantages to being the most boring man in the Democratic party.

I’m not familiar enough with Virginia law to be sure entirely sure, but if it’s like most states, the only way Northam would be able to appoint a new LtG is if the position was actually vacant. So if Fairfax were to resign tomorrow (doesn’t seem likely), Northam could name someone to the post. He wouldn’t be able to

Relative youth? Herring was 19, Northam was 25. That’s maybe, just maybe a pass for Herring, especially in light of his ‘fessing up and actually apologizing (assuming he doesn’t decide to lay down some mad rhymes in his next press conference), but Northam? Any chance he had of surviving this with any sort of career

C’mon, like maybe Cthulhu is evil enough to take on Roger Goodell?

He said it because it’s sure as hell better to come forward with it now than it is to have someone else pop up next week with the party pictures. Bring it out yourself, and just maybe you can avoid getting thrown under the bus. Otherwise, not so much. 

Except in that major Hollywood release, that protagonist was portrayed as a a dick for posing as a black man (not really blackface - no one is expected to think that someone in black face is actually black) to get a scholarship. The movie is also shows the fun that the protagonist has as he finds out that yes,

The dude was gonna moonwalk his way through the press conference. I’m gonna go with “hasn’t learned a damn thing.”