
Part of the problem might end up being that she’s repeatedly said that she never claimed Native American ancestry to get any benefit from it, she just checked a box on a form, she wasn’t really claiming to be a Native American don’t ya know, blah blah blah.

Yes, any Democratic running will be hammered ad nauseum on whatever random crap it is that the Republicans can come up with. That doesn’t mean that it’s necessary to make it so damn easy for them, does it?

This would be a really good time for someone on her staff to be writing the “after exploring the options available to me, I feel that I can be of more service by remaining in the Senate where I can fight for the economic reforms that are so sorely needed by our country” speech. 

Johnny Cash, however, went with the tried-and-true classic single bird, not the double-bird combo.

Is the goal total war? Because that’s obviously not intelligent.

I am eternally frustrated with the willful blindness of the “I never got a thing from the government” crowd.

To be blunt, there’s also the fact that old people have serious problems with delicate, easy-to-tear skin. And Trump’s old.

That’s simple enough. Advertising on web sites is very different from traditional print or television advertising. A single entity buying space on a specific site is almost unheard of now. Instead, almost all of it is done through ad networks. The website adds a small snippet of code which allows the ad network to

Wrong! There’s also the Lindsey that desperately wants to be Attorney General.

They’ve proven remarkably elastic in their condemnation of men sleeping around with women (as long as the men in question are straight white Republicans, anyway), but a closeted homosexual is another matter entirely. 

And if it were just a matter of “Hey, we’re gonna be pissing $5B down the drain,” then it might be a different story, but it’s not. It’s not just a matter of the fact that his beloved wall won’t even begin to accomplish a single damned thing that he claims it will, or that it would be just the beginning of an even

For the life of me, I don’t understand the conservative obsession with whining about coverage for pregnancy. I’ve got a former co-worker who makes that same argument constantly. Last time she trotted out the “I’m not going to have another baby so why should I pay for the insurance?” I just could resist pointing out

At the age of 78? I don’t think so. Hell, I don’t think he’s going to last that long.

Fun thing about executive privilege - not only does it not have to be formally waived, it doesn’t have to be waived at all. It has to be invoked, so until the president actually claims a conversation is privileged, it is legally  not privileged.

We had a preview of that already. Bannon, Jr, Hicks and all others used that during congressional hearings.

Please, may we release this into the wild? 

It was passed on a voice vote, with no one voting “no,” so yes, it was unanimous. 

And which isn’t going to happen, because there is no realistic way to remove both Trump and Pence simultaneously, which is the only way to get to Pelosi. It doesn’t matter whether Trump or Pence went first, whoever is sitting in the Oval Office would be able to name a new Veep. 

Except what would happen would be the same thing that happened when Reagan decided that a mass firing would be a good idea - hiring not nearly as many people as actually needed and lowering standards repeatedly until you can find enough warm bodies. You lose the talented, experienced people that you had, and the ones

But hell, even Uncle Keef gave up pretty much everything but his weed and his bourbon at least a decade ago. Apparently almost killing yourself falling out of a tree is an attention-getting experience.