I’m sorry, but you should be aware that it is a death penalty offense to ever speak that name anywhere in the vicinity of anything remotely related to Kansas City.
I’m sorry, but you should be aware that it is a death penalty offense to ever speak that name anywhere in the vicinity of anything remotely related to Kansas City.
The problem is that there are actually two separate legal issues at work here, and trying to mash the two together definitely causes problems.
Management cannot only make such a request, they are actually the sole decision-maker in that regard - an officer cannot arrest someone for trespassing if the person who has legal authority for the property says that the party in question has permission to be there.
Not in Iowa, it wasn’t. Geographically, he makes no sense.
So in other words, you’re not just an asshole, you’re a flaming hemorroidal asshole. Cool, man.
I have to admit, I’ve wondered whether his behavior continuous to get more outrageous simply because he is desperately trying to get thrown out of office (without the potential for actual criminal indictment that exists with Mueller) so that he can go back to his previous cushy life without having to admit that he…
It boggles my mind that these wall-loving idiots that insist that we desperately need their monument to stupidity because surveillance and technology won’t work can’t seem to comprehend that the only way their wall will accomplish anything is if you put the surveillance and technology in place to catch people who come…
Erecting a wall would require a lot of site work, not to mention getting the land to even build it.
It also greatly increases the amount of time that has to be served before someone is eligible for parole, and if I’m not mistaken, the length of time they’ll be on parole once it’s granted. Despite the wails and gnashing of teeth we often hear when parole is mentioned, it’s actually a good thing. Or at least, it is…
The office of President has never been decided by majority vote. Stop saying that like it matters. It doesn’t.
Oh, good lord and sweet baby Jeebus, can we please stop with this “former felons” bullshit?
Sometimes you CAN tell a book by its cover.
I do see some female comics in the stated lineup, though, so maybe...progress?
Oh, for heaven’s sake. No. Just, no. Of course AC already knows Trump is a racist, just like he knows that AOC knows he’s a racist, and just like Cooper knew the answer to ALL of the questions he asked before he asked them. Even if he lived under a rock and had never heard of AOC before, he knew every detail before…
Exactly. This sort of interview isn’t supposed to be any more hard-hitting than chatting with Colbert or Kimmel. The only difference is that CNN isn’t willing to admit that it’s a human interest set piece intended to introduce AOC to a slightly wider audience than the political junkies that were already familiar with…
I’ve made this defense of Cooper so many times that it’s practically engraved on my keyboard, but...he is not, by any stretch, a bad interviewer, a bad reporter, or a bad host. He’s actually very good at all of these things. He’s simply not a hard-ball political reporter, and it’s a ridiculous waste of his skills (and…
Exactly. I’ve never forgotten the labeling on the boxes delivered for the much-bragged-about steak night when I was in school. Grade E - “but edible”. Mm, yum, yum. I’m still fairly certain that my tennis shoes would have been an adequate substitute.
To be fair, when done properly, law enforcement is difficult, demanding, and hella stressful.
But under the Fairness Doctrine, it didn’t matter whether a station called themselves news, entertainment, or mashed potatoes. They could label themselves anything they wanted, it was the content of the programming that was the determining factor.