
As much as I like to think I’d have reacted like Michelle or Hillary, I know good and damn well I’d have looked like Bill. All he needed was a bag of popcorn, and he was good to go.

You know, Amazon is such an amazingly useful invention that I really, really want to not hate Bezos so much. I’m not succeeding in the slightest, because he seems pretty interchangeable with your basic comic book supervillain. 

Arabs and Jews are both Semites (a term which has zero to do with religion, even if Americans apparently are unaware of this fact).

My former co-worker’s uncle had an F-16 that he found in a cornfield. The Air Force didn’t take it back because, you know, finders-keepers and all, so he repaired it using spare parts he bought at the Army/Navy store. Yeah...

There’s more than a few overlaps between The West Wing and The Newsroom. The one that comes immediately to mind is the line “Were you distracted by a bumblebee?”

Actually, that’s not correct. It doesn’t matter whether or not you benefit financially from it, because your financial gain is not the issue. The issue is whether your actions could deprive the copyright holder of the full usage and “enjoyment” of the work they own.

There’s also the problem that most decent writers are also obsessive readers, and sometimes that beautiful phrase you can’t get out of your head turns out to have been put there by someone else.

My guess is that Pence would push for him to stick it until, oh, January 25th or so. That would leave less than two years in the term, which would make Pence eligible to run for two more terms. Ten years is plenty of time to bring about Armageddon, right?

I’m thinking that maybe Cohen’s sentence should be “stay until you’re replaced by someone named Trump.” Doesn’t really matter which one.

Not when said discussion involves blatantly ignoring repeated instances that can’t remotely be dismissed as simple mistakes. 

After all, you can’t move the estate to probate if he’s only missing.

Goddammit, now I can add a perfectly good song to the list of things that Trump has ruined for me.

OK, I know that in the scheme of things, this is a terribly minor quibble, but Jesus fucking Christ in a goddamn sidecar, is it really that hard to find a tailor that can properly hem a pair of pants? Maybe ask Macron for a name or something. You never see him walking around looking like he needs to roll up a cuff to

But without the benefit of a generally competent staff and VP to cover for him. 

Oh, man. Not a Menendez reference, not a toupee reference, but a Menendez mullet toupee reference all in one? Here, quick, take ALL THE STARS.

I like it when someone approaches a problem logically.

That’s definitely a possibility. The author mentions what sounds like him muttering “Get me out of here” as he gets offscreen, but go back just a smidge further. He says something that sounds like “I’m not doing this” as he first walks away. 

Just think how much blubber he contains. 

I mean, sure, I know it’s a massively complex treaty that’s been in place for decades supported by dozens of laws and thousands of regulations, and that’s been a major factor in the planning of hundreds of companies with thousands of employees which impact easily hundreds of thousands of jobs in downstream industries,

Three competing casinos in the same city at the same time, like the Bellagio, Treasure Island, and the Mirage, all of which were owned by Steve Wynn as part of Mirage Resorts until they were sold to MGM Grand?