
Even in a growing economy, stupid political decisions can make a state budget bleed red ink.

TMZ definitely deserves more than a little scorn for the sensationalism and downright star-fucking approach, but sadly, they’re actually pretty good at what they do, which is getting the most sensational story out as fast as humanly possible without getting details wrong. Think about it - how often do they actually

I’m guessing you’ve never been assigned a long-term make-work project that takes you away from your home, your family, and your own comfy bed in order for you to spend a few weeks sleeping in a barracks or a tent with a whole bunch of equally pissed off, sweaty, bored and uncomfortable co-workers. 

Oh, lordie. No. Just, please, no. Unless someone in emergency services in California actually requests assistance from the military, please do NOT give anyone any ideas.

Well, if we were talking about an in-depth AP level course on the historical underpinnings of modern law, Moses would absolutely belong. As would Muhummad, Hammurabi, Menes, Solomon, Lycurgus, Solon, Draco, Confucious, Octavian, Justinian, Charlemagne, King John, Louis IX, and so on.

Except you’re misstating what D.Walker said.

Which sounds really impressive unless you’ve actually been paying attention. Because if you’ve actually been paying attention, you would have noticed that no one has suggested just abolishing ICE willy-nilly with no plan on how to handle what few functions it actually has. Considering that it’s never served any actual

“college football coaches didn’t earn 10 mil a year”

“It is fun to come here and read opinions and talk about current events, but using this as a primary source of “news” would be flat out disturbing.”

Ahhhh, c’mon, folks. I expect better than short attention span theater from the non-Trumpsters of the world.

It might also have helped if the author here had known/mentioned that the city has been trying to work with this group for months. They’ve been warned multiple times that organizations have to have permits to distribute food. It’s not a matter of the city wanting to make money, either - they could get the permit for

The first thing that people need to do is to quit assuming that the Secret Service has anything to do with the running of the White House. They do not. The role of the Secret Service is to provide the protective detail responsible for the physical security of the White House as well as certain members of the

The problem is that while you think that you’re asking a simple question, it’s really not quite so simple, and you may or may not actually be asking the question that you want answered.

Point is, flag-patterned clothing, blankies, wall-hangings are okay. Flag-patterned doormats, toilet paper, tissues - not okay.

If he has the right coverage and a decent company, it would. Keep in mind, though, that if he’s covered for the loss, the insurance company will cut him a check even if Toyota gives him a new truck. And while the truck is taxable as income, the insurance payout is not. He could conceivably pay the taxes on the truck

Technically it would depend on the terms of his policy and the coverages he carries. Under the circumstances, most of the top tier companies would cover it - way cheaper to write a check than to risk having the stories make the news. Some of the lower tier companies, probably not. Their customers generally don’t have

Call me silly, but I can’t help but feel that the hypocrisy of the conservative outrage doesn’t really do a thing to make Davidson’s joke any better.

Good thing that no one called any of these races, then. 

Y’all have no idea how wonderful it’s gonna be knowing that my rep will be Sharice Davids instead of Kevin Yoder.

No, what none of these racists are would be actual proponents of small government. They absolutely adore humonguous, monumental, intrusive government, the more authoritarian the better.