
Liddy is a truly impressive type of bat-shit crazy. When you get down to it, Limbaugh is a gasbag who couldn’t care less about the ideology. He simply latched on to a group that he could squeeze for a buck. Liddy, on the other hand, is a true believer.

I keep yelling at the TV that at a guess, Kavanaugh probably has had more than one opportunity to review documents that he wrote and conversations that he participated in. Or in the alternative, are they really going with the argument that it’s OK that the committee hasn’t been given time to prep properly for the

I suspect that the biggest factor in their determination to publish the op-ed piece is actually the fact that they don’t have recordings of Trump talking to the highly respected award-winning journalist with a new book coming out who also happens to be on their editorial staff.

I believe you mean Dinah, not Diana. And the answer is Burt Reynolds. 

I did NOT need that visual image.

To be fair, Scalia actually was brilliant, in a comic-book villain sort of way. Kavanaugh doesn’t even come close to brilliant. 

You’re half right. They’re purposefully made insane and generally unconstitutional, and they love it when those laws end up at SCOTUS. But the majority of the politicians don’t really want Roe overturned, because as long as Roe stands, they’ve got a nice little base of single-issue voters that will turn out at

You probably don’t want to know how much he’s spent on his golf trips since taking office, then. It’s not like it got better. 

Are federal employees really under the living wage though?

I’m fairly certain that they don’t understand the concept of thought, period.

That’s because Jax is basically in far south Alabama.

Gee, 4 whole stories - one of which involves a school resource officer (translation: a cop), a second one where the shooting was NOT stopped by the administrator in question because he had already stopped shooting on his own and was leaving the scene before he was confronted (Pearl MS), one that I can’t address

Maybe switch to Bloody Marys?

People should have the same rights no matter who detains you, or in what jurisdiction you’re detained. And no access to legal counsel is complete BS, that’s an authoritarian overreaching gov’t openly stacking the deck in its own favor.

Except no, they didn’t discover a screw-up in the records. There have been prosecutions in the past for a few instances of fraud on the part of an incredibly small number of midwives/doctors which are now being used to deny passports to people without any proof that the people being targeted aren’t actually American

No, you flaming idiot. But let’s set aside the fact that aboriginals isn’t exactly the accepted term for Native Americans, and the fact that Native Americans haven’t even remotely been big winners since white Europeans showed up in North America. There aren’t a whole lot of parallels between US treatment of Native

I remember seeing at least one news story that referred to interpreters basically being embarrassed trying to translate Trumpese into an actual language, for fear that listeners would think that *they* were the ones who couldn’t make a coherent sentence.

Well, hopefully for starters, they’re not referring to the majority of the country as “aboriginals”. 

Oh, well then, that makes it *completely* different. 

So if I steal your car and give it to Joe, you’re OK with Joe keeping it without compensating you, because after all, Joe is working hard to repair and maintain it?