
Except to some degree, you seem to be putting the emphasis in the wrong place when you say “intentional false statements”. Yes, Trump intentionally made these statements. There’s no question of that. The question is whether HE knows that what he’s saying is false. It’s not enough to say that only an idiot would believe

Yes, this. Something that often gets lost in the shuffle is the horrendous psychological effect that turning schools into “hard targets” would have on children, especially the youngest, most vulnerable children.

Hell, a black kid doesn’t even have to steal his Skittles to get shot. Just walking home is sufficient.

Funny how “let’s not waste time with such trivia” doesn’t seem to apply to brown people.

And, of course, since all wasn’t perfection, there’s no reason at all to prefer it to the rolling shitshow currently in the White House. 

True, but that’s one hell of a gamble to take. 

I’m not sure it matters. He could stand on live TV and off himself with his own tiny orange hands, and his idiot supporters would still insist that Hillary did it. 

Why? Is spending $92M for a marching ego-stroke for the orange man-baby not an obscenity if she didn’t?

I know. Everybody funny. Now you funny, too.

There is nothing in the world capable of giving that man an *enormous* boner. A mediocre chubby at best.

“What ever happened to the grace and dignity of the Civil Rights leaders of the 50s and 60s?”

Is it morally right to clock someone upside the head for using a word? No, it’s not.

Yes, police are first responders, but they’re trained to *investigate* car crashes to resolve issues of fault, not to provide medical care or remove wreckage. There’s no need for a street cop at a track.

Well, a 1-7 scale is used to classify radiation leaks, although in this case, it’s probably more relevant that the accident investigation system developed by the Department of Transportation is a 1-7 scale. It’s used to create consistency between agencies and investigators - if you’ve ever seen an investigator’s

To be fair, this might have absolutely nothing to do with race.

Why blame the pizza place? You’ve got less than no reason to believe that they’ve done anything wrong. Or did you miss the part that explains that he’s currently going through the petition process to gain permanent legal status, which generally means that he would be given work authorization.

Learning styles are not bullshit. How much emphasis should be given to adjusting the learning style to the student instead of requiring the student to adjust is a reasonable debate, but that doesn’t make the whole idea bullshit. 

Yeah, Venezuela makes socialism sound terrible. Or it would, if socialism was actually the cause of Venezuela’s problems, which have a whole lot more to do with the populist spending-spree of its previous pseudo-Socialist strongman government. 

I’d remove the partial credit simply because they’re full of shit. Sure, every time this kind of crap comes up, we get treated to the “farmers don’t want hand-outs, they want to sell their crops” line. I don’t disagree with the idea that farmers would rather operate a profitable business than cash a government check

But Sanders doesn’t call himself a Socialist. He’s a Democratic Socialist.