
Actually, because of his age he’d now be on Medicare. I suspect he’s got the best supplemental plan that money can buy to go with it. 

Might be a lot quicker to count the hands of people who haven’t had such a conversation with a conservative. 

Spicer wrote ‘Michael Steele’ instead of ‘Christopher Steele’ in his book of lies.

Well, he had one redeeming characteristic, anyway - he could keep her from having to go back to Slovenia.

I kinda like the way you think.

One of the biggest issues I had with Obama was his continued insistence on trying to work across the aisle, even when it was far beyond obvious to some of us that conservatives were never going to make any effort to work with him. Many of the current policies grew in baby steps, and those baby steps were the

And if you think that the clearly racist, sadistic and insane person is going to enjoy a resounding win, VOTE ANYWAY. It’s worth remembering that the only reason Roy Moore isn’t sitting in the Senate is that thousands of people refused to accept the idea that Alabama would never put a Democrat in that seat.

Political conservative and fiscal conservative are two very different things, though, which is probably why people are very specific when they say fiscal conservative.

And just how sad an example are you when Ted Cruz manages to look better in comparison?

“And feminism doesn’t require we support shitty women from the consequences of doing and saying shitty things.”

But they’re trying to make the point that it’s not about Wilder. There’s no reason to institute a new award, because they’re still giving the award for the exact same reasons that always applied. The award was never being given in her honor, so there’s no reason that it should have her name on it. They didn’t take her

I’m well aware that they’re heard en banc. That’s not the biggest issue, though. SCOTUS spends relatively little time hearing arguments - the vast majority of it is spent dealing with the briefs and documentation submitted prior to arguments, the necessary legal research, and in producing the opinions. Much of that

Yes, it would be temporary. No, such recess appointments have not been ruled unconstitutional. 

Except now you’re arguing against statements I never mind.

They’re not the only one, but it’s safe to say that there’s no shortage of ethically challenged direct sales companies.

It’s possible that it’s actually the official title of the position, which would make capitalizing it grammatically correct.

“You’re just saying that he isn’t bad enough to inconvenience yourself, that is all.”

Except there are no grounds for declaring a recess appointment unconstitutional, especially considering that there have been such appointments in the past. 

Something that could possibly work (translation: could possibly be sold to the public) would be a proposal that would tie the number of justices to the overall population. It’s certainly a fact that the current structure of the court restricts the possible case load to a depressing degree - there are a lot of cases

Actually, Justices Clinton and Obama would be terrible. Clinton doesn’t have anything remotely the background or experience, and while Obama has the educational specialization, neither of them has any practical experience on the bench.