
It does if the mask prevents the saliva and other fluids containing the virus from getting to your nose and mouth. I read a study saying wearing a mask is about 80% effective at preventing YOU from contracting the virus. It’s not 100%, but if you were told one restaurant was 80% lower chance of you getting food

There only job is beating up/murdering black people.

Consistent speed on the highway. I do the driving on a lot of family road trips in the summer. Unless conditions don’t permit, I always use my cruise control. It never fails during a day’s drive that I’ll come up on someone going slower than me, get over to pass, then be unable to because they speed up. I’ll then get

If you’ve gotten on someone’s list, you should have a union rep at every meeting.

Yeah, this particular writer tends to skip providing any actual information. I really have to start looking at the name before clicking through to an article that doesn’t mention some of the most important aspects of the topic being discussed.

Shower gel: plastic bottle

Be aware that permethrin is potentially a hazard to housecats. Maybe you still want to use it but educate yourself on the possible side-effects you might see in your kitty.

A second charger and spare cables, you never know when a cable will stop working and when the local power grid will fry your charger (it happened to me in Africa).

On behalf of all Kinja, let me thank you for not putting this in a slideshow or a video.

Leave your jewelry at home.

5. Bram Stoker’s Dracula

On the one hand, yes.

I don’t expect a dog-focused article to be 100% accurate but that line in particular was just wtf

Ha. Though I write a lot of slideshows...I’ll take it :-)

That fucking asshole was the president...

I am pleasantly surprised that this wasn’t just another “article” to give you an excuse to paste an Amazon affiliate link.

Get out of here with that bullshit. We have had almost 2 years now to sort that out, going down to the store and buying an N95 isn’t going to cause some nurse to not have access to one. If people who need these for their jobs don’t have proper PPE by now it’s on their employer, not every day people looking to stay

I can’t stress renter’s insurance enough. So many people skip it, but it’s so inexpensive. I haven’t had a burglary, but I did have renter’s insurance cover some items that were damaged when an upstairs unit had water/plumbing problems.

They are really running out of things to write about

Actually, it’s 0.005%. Your point still stands, but the math was a bit off :)