
Be realistic and realize random people do it on the Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday of the entire weekend.

The thing about unitaskers is that so many of them are straight up worse than doing it the old-fashioned way. But I don’t think that’s an inherent problem with unitaskers, I think that’s a problem of manufacturers trying to solve problems nobody had, just like is usually the case with “As seen on TV” style products in

Fucking monsters.

Arranging books by colour is book arranging for people who do not read!

Ugh, just defund the police. This entire list could be handled better by well-trained social workers and community service workers without guns. We just can’t afford them because our taxes go to help arm a militant systemically-racist group of idiots who can’t get through John Wick without an erection.

Oh, that’s a good idea.  I’ll do the same.

Vaccination cards should NOT be laminated as it prevents further entries on the card, so skip Staples’ offer on the original.

Can confirm: Maple and scotch is delicious.

I love going out for a hike in the woods when they emerge. They’re so loud and are literally everywhere and coating everything. It’s cool, creepy and fascinating. Love it.

That’s pretty much my tactic.

“Klanmaid’s Tale” is a work of art.

Claire, you’re doing the Lord’s work by normalizing the use of MSG. A lot of the prejudice against it is coming from a place of ignorance, racist stereotypes, and a fear of “chemicals.”

The NIH disagrees with you. They say Hydrogen Peroxide should be used to clean shallow wounds (not deep ones). And the following directly states that their research indicates that previous beliefs that it should never be used for wound treatment are incorrect. 

Yes, this is what I use it for. If I have a cut that’s getting all red and irritated and not healing correctly, I pull it open and dump hydrogen peroxide on it and it almost immediately feels better and usually heals faster afterwards.

It works wonders on infected cuts.

There will BE no response because she’s been murdered by Candyman! Does nobody in New York ever watch a damn movie? Yeah, it took place in Chicago but lessons can still be learned!

Uh, you got it backwards. -I’m- not offended by using gender neutral pronouns, but I -am- being polite and using them when talking to or about others, because I an deliberately -not- offending others.

If the past four years have taught us anything, it’s that a lot of people remember almost nothing from school.

I have “grammar snob” tendencies. I am a fan of the Oxford comma. I think that “figuratively” and “literally” mean different things.

I was taught in grammar school in the 70's that “they” was used in cases where you wanted/need to be gender-neutral. I’m really surprised at how many people skipped this lesson.