
When I asked our local fire department what to do with two that had gone below the green pressure zone, they provided an excellent answer. Go practice with them, in a safe place of course. Most of us have never had the need to use one to put out a fire, and have never actually practiced using one. Go for it with one

There’s also a decent chance that your landlord will have their handyman come in to do the swap out for you (to make sure it gets done right), and give you a discount on the rent for improving the apartment. Obviously you have to leave it when you move out, but you also don’t have to worry about remembering to swap

There’s also a decent chance that your landlord will have their handyman come in to do the swap out for you (to make

It does say more layers are better but that’s still not much of an answer to the pretty direct question posed in the headline. (I like Beth’s work generally, but this was not her finest.)

As far as I can tell, the article does not answer the question posed by the title.

Soul was a good but not great film. The one major gripe I have with its story was not mentioned in this piece. Joe spends his life believing that music is his passion, and after a long-awaited performance leaves him feeling empty, and after seeing how rewarding helping others is, he realizes that being a teacher (and

Yes to all the advice in the article.

Run on the correct side of the road (the left, facing traffic) and stay alert to your surroundings

If you returned to gyms, hair salons, restaurants, and your own workplace when they weren’t doing it right.

USC also, wisely, ends their semester just before everyone leaves for the holiday. They prioritize the lives of their students, staff, and faculty.

This Thanksgiving will be a rough one. One parent just started chemo, so is immunocompromised. Which makes it both the time when you most wish you could go home, AND the time when it has the greatest risk.

I know, you think you’re special and it’s everyone else who is driving the spread of COVID.

I can’t be the only one that actually likes dandelions.  They’re great for pollinators and you can eat the greens and use the flowers to make alcohol!  That said, the typical “jerky” neighbor is very likely the type that has a meticulous putting green for a lawn.  The sight of a single happy dandy would drive this

This one is election related. Our HOA has an extremely unenforceable rule of no political signs. They even sent out an email basically saying, hey we can’t really enforce it but let’s just not be assholes to each other during the election. So I had a guy in my neighborhood pop up a trump sign and a couple of other

I rent a basement apartment from a nice older gay couple. They have their eccentricities, each of which has been a delight to discover over my time here. They had a giant pride flag laying out by my entrance in the process of being mounted on a stick to hang it vertically... for months. They kept apologizing for it

No kidding

While I agree that all this Pumpkin Spice fall crap is bullshit and that Thanksgiving as some happy Puritan/Native American gathering is bullshit I still think there is hope for Thanksgiving. In my white family there is no Pumpkin Spice cult (we hate the shit) and no devotion to the Puritan myth. We simply like the

That depends... one candidate has done copious amounts of harm to the systems to the point that they may not be able to survive. I am shocked that with his attacks of SS and medicare the GOP didn’t outright remove him themselves. 

It costs you quite literally nothing to wear your mask” — spoken like a true couch potato! It’s actually very difficult to wear a mask when running or doing any heavy cardio workout. If you work out early in the morning and live in an area that’s not dense, as I do, there’s absolutely no increase to anyone’s safety

Please answer so I can use it on myself. 

That’s a brilliantly compassionate idea.