
To add to #1— even if your dog is NOT aggressive, please don’t subject other people to it. When I’m out running or walking, I don’t want your dog coming up to me off leash, no matter how loving and friendly you say it is.

THANK YOU. I hate this misconception that cats just want to be left alone. Cats are social creatures who happen to be ok being a little solitary. But they’re very loving and get very attached.

Just commenting to appreciate that this isn’t a slide show! Thanks!

I’ve been using Jumpcut for 10+ years. It’s a tiny app that’s free. Works great without any fuss. 

I’m still so flippin’ angry about GLOW. I love that show so deeply. I’m so pissed we were robbed of finding out what happens. 

I’m less motivated to run in the SUMMER, not the winter. Cooler winter temps help me run longer and keep me happier. And ice and snow are easily tackled with yaktrax on my sneakers.

Running in cold weather is my favorite. It’s invigorating and I find I can run longer and better in colder weather. I’ve run as low as -10 degrees fahrenheit when I lived in Wisconsin but it doesn’t get that cold where I live now. My ideal running temp now is anything under 40, but ideally 10-30 fahrenheit is

What the hell is wrong with LH for publishing a headline like this? Total clickbait. There are SO many cats that need homes, why contribute to these untrue stereotypes, even when there’s some good advice in the rest of the article?

Cats are loving, affectionate, AND needy of both human and feline companionship

Tinsel (the long stringy stuff) can be deadly for cats. They love the texture and will chew and swallow it. You do not want an emergency vet visit for an obstruction over the holidays!

Ah, thanks! I’ve been operating with a migraine for the past couple days. But yes, still tiny tiny tiny percentage chance!

But where is it wrong? My grandmother lived to be 98 doing this, so...?

Yeah, no. I am solidly pro-vaccination and pro-mask wearing. What I did here was break down a percentage. Pretty simple.

I’ve been doing this my entire cooking life. My Dad (whom I learned to cook from) and grandmother both put shells right back in the carton as they broke open eggs. Always seems less messy than eggy stuff getting all over the counter/floor on the way to the trash can. Then when the eggs are used up, I throw the whole

This one has been up since at least 1996/7: One of the first websites I ever remember being obsessed with in college.

Yeah, no.

One word: Yaktrax. You can add them to any running shoe you want (or boots, etc.). Get the pro ones. I run on ice in -10 all winter in Wisconsin with these on.

ZOMG how did I not know this. You are a hero! 

After 10+ years of owning iphones, and NEVER breaking a screen, I smashed my 12 pro plus screen last year— not once, but TWICE. And in my own bathroom, on the tile floor. And of course I never bothered with Applecare or my cell carrier’s insurance for a phone bc I never needed it before. I found a guy who is a

I agree with most of these except for 2:

That’s crazy. You must live in a super trendy place. I’ve run in suburban, urban, and rural areas, and never even noticed what people were wearing while running. And I’ve been wearing plain old black leggings and whatever budget workout shirt (usually from Kohls) I can find for years— I still get and give the friendly