
Runner here. When I was younger I used to go running in the dark with a headlamp on. It took one guy coming up to me while **insert gross thing no one should do outside their home here** to put a stop to my running after dark. It was dark and I didn’t see him soon enough to avoid almost running right into him. Now, I

I can’t believe the Golden Girls isn’t on here! 

And you can do ALL these things and still wind up with crazy people who try to sue you, or people who just don’t pay.

Not all professors love teaching online (or had ever done it before), but faculty have been helping each other and taking online courses to improve. And online learning isn’t ideal for all our students, either. Some students know they do better in the classroom (we do have hybrid, some in class courses). So we’re all

I’m glad everyone is being safe. And best of luck to your parent on chemo. What a rough time this is to be going through that. 

Actually, an update: We decided to cancel these plans. Too many high cases again in this area— the highest since April! Just the traveling alone, even without seeing the grandkids, (having to stop to pee!) makes me nervous. So we’ll have a zoom desert session or something.

I’m a college prof and our semester ends before thanksgiving. It was a smart move, for sure, but means we’re cramming in a lot of work before that!

The only safe way is to quarantine for at least 2 weeks before getting together. My parents are currently quarantining, as we are (we all have been since March anyway), and even agreed NOT to stop and see the germy in-school grandkids on the way here. So we’ll have a safe visit together with them. We’re even giving

I would love it if someone planted dandelions all over my yard. They’re beautiful and SO better for the bee population than just carpets of green pesticide grass.

I love this. Your landlords sound awesome.

You do realize there’s a party running for office who wants to (1) take away my right to marry (2) take away women’s right to their bodies (3) take away birth control (3) emboldens white supremacists and calls them “fine people” increasing their threat against people of color (4) wants to remove hundreds of thousands

Yeah, that’s easy to say if you’re someone whose actual rights and LIFE are constantly attacked by the current administration— an administration that is likely going to ramp up those attacks over the next 4 years. Must be nice to be so privileged that you’re insulated from the outcome of this major election.

My chili is famous among family and friends. It’s simple and delicious. I’m not good at measuring, so everything is a guesstimate.

The Athleta ones are pretty decent but only bc I don’t wear my glasses when I run. Otherwise I’d be a hot foggy mess.

I once read that you should buy the cheap non-stick frying pans they sell at grocery stores for eggs and replace them every year. Totally worth it. They stay non-stick, and you can replace them before the coating starts getting funky and therefore unhealthy.

I once read that you should buy the cheap non-stick frying pans they sell at grocery stores for eggs and replace

Masks DO NOT block smell. I still have to smell stinky people (usually from crappy perfume) when I’m out and about.

College prof here who just spent the summer moving my classes online. Here’s a few more tips:

This is great! I was participating in a virtual academic conference last week and many of the speakers noted what indigenous land they were speaking from as a settler-colonizer. It was really interesting to hear about the various tribes across the country. This is such an important practice! 

I tried this but I end up not being able to see well with progressive lenses on. The positioning is all off. 

We love this app! Now I can identify 4 different kinds of woodpeckers-- they’re so cool!