
You would LOVE the Mustard Museum in Mount Horeb, Wisconsin (oh, now it’s in Middleton, WI)! When I was a grad student in Madison, we took all our visitors there.

You would LOVE the Mustard Museum in Mount Horeb, Wisconsin (oh, now it’s in Middleton, WI)! When I was a grad

Eh, I’ll stick to my mouse pad, and it’s nice attached wrist wrest that keeps my hand comfortable. I can also lift it off and shake off the crumbs easily (yeah, we all eat at our desks sometimes). That seems more awkward with this huge thing.

Eh, I’ll stick to my mouse pad, and it’s nice attached wrist wrest that keeps my hand comfortable. I can also lift

Whenever we’re going to get a big snowstorm, I love watching Storm of the Century (miniseries) The Maine accents are endearing (I’m originally from coastal Maine) and the whole mood is terrifying.

And buy your children books that depict diverse people with different skin tones, and from different cultural backgrounds. And different genders. 

We’ve been in a couple tight spots (usually waiting for money to come in) and one of my siblings has been generous enough to help both times. Both times we paid them right back as soon as we were able. Asking feels horrible, but they never made me feel badly about it.

My family has always been lower middle/working

Any advice for when the call is not for you but it’s a debt collector looking for your deadbeat brother whom you haven’t seem in 10+ years but somehow decided it was nice to give out his sister’s cell phone?

Asking for a friend.

Good. My cats feel the same way about you.

In qualitative research we call this “thick description.” I often send my methods students out to sit in public places and take notes like this for an hour or so. It’s uncomfortable to do for long stretches of time, but really helps their observational and writing skills!

I use Q-tips. Have for decades. Just went to the ENT and he lectured and lectured about not using them. Said they cause pressure problems and ear wax build up.

But he saw no abnormal wax in my ears. And my ear pressure tested perfectly. So *shrug* *digs in with q-tip*.

Coffee without sugar is the only way to drink it. I didn’t even like coffee before I realized how much better it is without sugar.

I blind bake the bottom crust and it ALWAYS shrinks. Even with baking beans. Even with fork prints. What am I doing wrong?

Seriously. Definitely not a non-gory film!


The Birds (1963)
The Haunting (ONLY the 1963 one)
Rosemary’s Baby (1968— terrifying and on Netflix right now)
The Sentinel (1977)
The Shining (1980— not gory, other than the famous elevator blood scene)

So if you don’t have co-mingled recycling— i.e. you take your recycling to a center in town and separate paper and cardboard from bottles and glass— then you don’t have to worry about them being super clean, right?

I have this argument all the time with our recycling people. Cat food cans are impossible to clean 100%

I use this, too. I think I heard about it first here on LifeHacker.

So what cracks me up is when LifeHacker recommends products that have HORRIBLE fakespot ratings.

Halloween, 1978 OF COURSE. Duh.

Halloween, 1978 OF COURSE. Duh.

I love Feedly.

But, damn, I still miss Google Reader.
I miss the old Google News, too. Why do they have to mess with things?

I’m 42 and I’ve never had a car loan. My last car was a 2001 Subaru I paid $3000 for and drove 10 years. A few repairs along the way but nothing close to the total of a car payment.

Now I have a 2010 Subaru I paid $5500 for. Again, no car payment. All I’ve had done in the past year is the brakes.

My college students