
I went by the Soprano home (just a few streets over from me) yesterday. People had left flowers, pasta, and cigars at the end of the driveway. :(

I think I'm the only person who hates PB+J. I love those things separately, but together is too sicky-sweet.

This is why I HATE HATE HATE weddings.

I was a Brownie when my family lived in England when I was little. I don't remember much (I was like 8) but I remember that our meetings and ceremonies took place around a really cool paper mâché mushroom and owl. And we got to go on a real camping trip where we carried all our gear on our backs, and made camp fires!

Yes. Social Fixer and Adblock are musts for FB!

I'm in Northern NJ but drove out about an hour south and west this weekend on 280 and you could hear them from the trees on the highway!! It was like a science fiction B movie! I swear we were being followed by giant grasshoppers.


TBD... oh, that's just so cheeky, she's KILLING ME with the suspense (although, given the people behind the Ready for Hillary PAC, it really does look like she's going to run).

Those things matter to her first and foremost, and that's her choice. That's the beautiful thing about feminism— what matters to women is UP TO THEM.

Now playing

These have to be real. I just don't buy, based on one Reddit commenter, that they're not real. First, they're waaaay too authentic for 1981. And I was 5 in 1981, I swear I remember this ad. And the commercials from the same time have a very similar style and backdrop

Yes, yes and YES. I worked at Borders for 10+ years while they switched from having a staff of knowledgable, helpful, passionate employees, to just minimum wage people who weren't required to know anything about books BUT had to ask for email addresses, talk about sale items etc. The company went downhill fast.

Skip the cotton balls (which I never seem to have) and just put some drops of essential oils directly on your vacuum bag. Works like a charm!

Couldn't get through 1 show of Hemlock Grove. It was trying to be Twilight or something worse. Writing? Horrible. Acting? Horrible.

I don't even know what to do with this new info.

it must be Italian!

Sure, that thing is HIDEOUS, but as long as it isn't practicing electric guitar, while stomping around on the deck singing at the top of it's lungs, or riding 4-wheelers in the yard outside my bedroom window, I'd rather have it than my current neighbors.

There is only one near me where I live now (NJ). Back in Maine, every one was a drive through. Maybe so people won't have to get out of their car in the cold?

Me too. I love running with just my thoughts and no music. It's like meditation for me.

OMG you mean I could totes wear my purple flannel owl pajamas out of the house? I'm pretty sure I've driven through Dunkin' in them already, but this trend suggests I could actually wear them to go and buy beer and ice cream? To chipotle for lunch? How about as teaching attire? Would my "sock monkeys watching TV" set

So true. Thank goodness we never see them for family engagements anyway (they live far away).