
Yeah, I'm with you. An MA or MS is **a ton** different than a PhD. I'm not sure why they're not distinguishing better between the two. I only spent SIX more years in school for the latter!

Seriously? I think that's an awesome jacket and it looks *fantastic* on her. Not all clothes need to trick people into thinking the wearer is super-skinny!

When I bought my first house, right out of grad school, my brother in law co-signed. The circumstances were strange, though. I had a good job and we could qualify for the home, BUT my student loan payments (which hadn't started b/c I didn't have that Aug. degree date yet), and wouldn't for another 6 months) were

It DOES matter what deodorant/antipersperant you use!

they tucked their shirt tails between their legs

A graduate degree in Public Health does make sense if that's what you want to go into. But someone with an MS in Sociology alone can do all sorts of things— work as a survey researcher, work for non-profits, work in human resources, work for city governments/development, and even in advertising.

It's good to hear that you like it better than Wunderlist. I recently switched to Wunderlist but I **HATE** (loath, in fact) the look of it— wood panelling with red ribbons? Who designed that? And I'm not going to pay the upgrade fee just to switch the look of it.

Does a regular search in Amazon bring up these outlet deals, or do you have to search separately?

YES. And I tell my students to follow their passions.

Hell yeah, ABBA!


I've gotta say there are a lot of valid exceptions to these rules.

I made coffee for years in a regular drip coffee maker.

I have fond memories of my grandmother mailing me brownies and cookies at college all packed up in sliced up pieces of bread! And they were always soft and yummy!

My grandmother taught me lots of "Murphy's Laws" like "If something can go wrong, it will." Or "If you leave things alone, they will go from bad to worse." Or, something like "don't argue with a fool or you'll look like one yourself." I've found that last one to come in pretty darn handy in political discussions.

Huh. My grandmother and mother taught me the same thing! I still rely on an alarm clock when I *absolutely have to be up* but otherwise, I just think of the time before I go to sleep, and it does the trick!

My neighbor has bees, too. The first time I saw her in her beekeepers suit out my kitchen window early one morning (pre-coffee), I was seriously like WTF and thought I must be hallucinating.

OMG I totally could have contributed to this blog while I was looking for an apartment in NJ (near NYC). Actually, these are nothing compared to what I saw in NJ.

this gif wins the internets.