

Definitely BINDER CLIPS. all sizes.

It's hard to measure as it changes during the school year. I'm a tenure track assistant professor. Most weeks during the semester I work around ~50 teaching, prepping, grading, research etc. If I have a deadline, or if it's advisement season (with kids signing up for classes), it's more. During the summer, I probably

Good lord, way to be a book snob.

Huh. All these years I've been flushing tampons and have NEVER had a problem. And I've been living in the same home for 10+ years. If a place is old with a sign that says not to flush anything, then I don't, but otherwise, I've never worried about it.

What about the regular cardboard applicator tampons? The whole darn thing is flushable!

OK I have to admit something: I'm a TERRIBLE speller. Horrible. I have a PhD and I still can't spell.

will OLTL have Erika Slezak? Viki Buchanan, FTW!

Gah! I just had a mole removed from my arm (it was benign) and let me tell you— an incision and stitches on the arm is PAINFUL as FU&K! I can't even imagine a longer cut that the more than 5 stitches I had.

LOL nice.

No smelly wooden spoons here. And we have some we bought 10+ years ago in London. My Dad (a chef) has wooden spoons he's been using for DECADES.

oh I'd miss dreams! I still have prozac dreams (even from my low dose). they're fantastic, epic movie-like dreams. fascinating, but never upsetting.

Sorry, but I have NO trouble falling asleep. Ever. And I sleep like a rock, not to be woken up by anything. I swear if someone tried to wake me up and tell me the house was on fire, I'd argue with them to let me sleep.

Hell yeah! I'm 36 and I never understood "low rise" jeans. They sit on my hips (ouch) and who the heck wants to see my underwear when I bend over? And I haven't even had kids, and I have a bit of a belly— I'm proud of it— it's all the fine beers I've enjoyed over the years. Yeah, it needs a nice higher, flat front

How did I miss this— that building (not the tower, the one next to it with the weird black grate) is my old home where I spent 8 years in grad school!

Where I live in NJ is sandwiched between two of THE wealthiest towns in the area. People actually wear FUR to go grocery shopping. Young, old, whatever. Shouting their liverwurst orders to the deli person while wearing fur. This is apparently the thing to do here.

I swear this looks just like a friend of mine who is at the hipster-coked-up-Coachella-fest right now. He's been busy posting FB status updates from under the sun, under VIP tents, wearing ironic glasses, sipping trendy beverages by sponsored companies ALL WEEKEND. I finally hid him. Ain't no one got time for that.

Oh but I guess I could email it to you if you send me your addy!

Oh, I have no idea where I got it! I usually download the free wallpaper apps, go through them for good stuff, and then delete them. Sorry! :(

Jumpcut is THE BEST.