
While I don’t think it was a bad movie, I was supremely underwhelmed by it.

>Unless the new FF is going the “Reed Richards is an asshole” route (as in some of the comics) in which case, he’s perfect!

not only that but it makes it seem like these heroes, despite all their wondrous abilities, can still get murdered very easily, which makes it all the more unbelievable that they dont in the main timeline, because plot.

I absolutely hated the Illuminati murder scene. Alternate universes encourage writers into the worst habits, taking big shocking consequence-free swings, but it’s damaging to the holistic narrative. It strongly reminded me of my least favourite comic of all time, Ultimatum - meaningless undignified deaths unravel the

I liked it visually, and the lean in to more overt horror was good, although a bit more than I was expecting (especially as I had my ten year old son with me), but the plot was flimsy and it made Wandavision feel like a waste of time; but worst was that America was essentially a walking maguffin, a huge waste, and

Yeah, I really, really disliked this movie, largely because of your points.

I hope we’ll get to see the classic Legends/EU characters like Ulic, Exar Kun, etc., but somehow I doubt it.

This should have been done the instant N95s and adult vaccines were universally available.

That caught my eye as well. They can legally file anywhere they do business, and it sounds like they chose a jurisdiction that just happened to need cash (via additional court fees) at the time.

I’m sure it somehow costs taxpayers more. 

Everyone can afford expensive stuff because the Fed rate is so low. The rate definitely should have been raised during Obama’s second term, but it wasn’t. The rate shouldn’t have been dropped, definitely not as far as it was dropped, during the whole COVID thing...but it was.

The bad answer I always hear is “well, cars are liquid and can be sold off when repossessed”, but the problem in 2008 is that defaults are much more correlated than thought and when a bunch of loans go bad, there aren’t enough buyers so the banks end up taking a big haircut.

Glad to see there is still no editing or proofreading being done before publishing articles at Jalopnik.

Look, I get The Dark Knight being at the top of the list, it’s the safe choice, but...come on, it’s only just barely a fucking Batman movie. TDK is 152 minutes, Batman/Bruce is only in 36 minutes of the thing and, if we’re being perfectly frank, any minute Joker, Gordon, or Dent isn’t on screen is a complete and total

I would put Batman & Robin ahead of both Batman v. Superman and Justice League. It’s a bad movie that treats its source material with a kind of contempt that you could never get away with in a modern superhero movie, but the campiness and genuinely bizarre vision of Gotham City provide an element of fun (if you know

I agree even tough, after rewatching it late last year for the first time in a long while, I have mellowed on it. It has one genuinely amazing scene - the scene of Selina and Bruce at Shreck’s ball. That scene is a masterstroke. But the rest of the movie is not great.

Batman Returns is way too high on this list.

It’s not just David and Jason leaving man. It’s the broken comments system. It’s the constant listicles. It’s the lack of proof reading, the lazy reprints/links to other outlet’s articles, the ill advised hot takes like the “It’s okay people are robbing trains because they lost their jobs” article from a few weeks

If he’s dealing with the Multiverse, there’s no reason those *can’t* be Ultron.

Ultrons... or some sort of “Ultra-Man”?