
Sorry, but you can never, ever top “CAW CAW BANG FUCK I’M DEAD” as a movie line. They shouldn’t even try.

I feel like the original Crow movie only did well because it hit the 90's zeitgeist so well in aesthetic and soundtrack. Lightning in a bottle, so to speak. Just can’t be reproduced in any other era because you either come off terribly dated or devoid of whatever magic that came with the timing of the original.

I would be fine with this if they changed the character names and just made it another story in the Crow mythos.

ugh, poor Bill is going to get DRAGGED for his role in this.

This looks a lot like those other Crow sequels which isn’t a compliment. 

Hard pass. They don’t understand the property at all.

So I know people don’t love the Kelvin movies, but remember that time that Starfleet saw one of its founding planets completely obliterated?

Captain Marvel is not a bad film. It was a pretty standard superhero film with a great performance by Brie Larson, who played an interstellar warrior who actually acted like an interstellar warrior. No cute puns. No flirting with the guys. She embodied violence and I appreciated that. 

The MCU always had that energy. Avengers I was well-executed, but Avengers II wasn’t, and then the new team teased at the end was binned almost immediately for the Civil War conflict, then the Infinity Wars saga upended the whole universe with the Blip, which was never satisfactorily explored before the franchise spun

Lets start by saying that superhero fatigue is NOT a thing. Having fatigue of having to do homework by watching three shows and three movies that are not directly related to the movie showing in theaters IS a thing. It becomes a chore to have to go back to a movie you really weren’t interested in or having to add TV

It's not about wanting anyone back, I don't want the original cast back, their story is done. What drove me to fatigue is that we didn't get a chance to catch our breath after Endgame. They plowed forward. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, as they say, and we needed some of that. They just kept the firehose open

  • Dany is standing in a field surrounded by Dothraki she doesn’t know, and feverish, and possibly dying (maybe with greyscale).

He has no pages.

And people still blame Weiss and Benioff for the ending of GoT when Martin hasn’t been able to figure it out after 12 years.

> Insurance companies don’t seem to want to be in the business of, you know, actually offering insurance,

That totaled Denali causes EVERYONES rates to go up, not just the person who hit it.  The more expensive the cars are on the road, the more expensive insurance will be which hurts the drivers of reasonable/modest cars.  To me, it seems a little ridiculous that I have to pay more to insure my Kia forte5 because the

Yep, this is where the weapon degradation system falls apart for me. It’s not the inconvenience of it, weapons are plentiful. It’s just that I don’t want my dope stuff to be fleeting. 

Rise of Skywalker takes place more than a year after The Last Jedi.

Its nearly impossible for some of these folks to be rational about these things. We literally live in a society where the cops can take away your rights in an instant, with little to no recourse. Hell, they can even seize your assets under dubious circumstances.

One wonders how stupid the ideas people at the big tech companies are.