Professor Sasquatch

She had a crossover episode with Magnum, too.

Please tell me you were at least allowed to watch the Murder She Wrote/Magnum crossover!

“The TikTok algorithm keeps showing me these videos of pretty girls dancing. Clearly the algorithm is wrong as I have no interest in that.

Velma being gay is just lazy. Oh the frumpy looking girl is a lesbian.

A recent A. V. Club article on Bourdain is facing criticism from readers who don’t want to watch a stupid fucking video.

They may have come off a little aggressive, but I believe it’s supposed to be a reference to her presumed affair with Harry Styles while she was still with Jason Sudeikis.

You didn’t ask about “Holiday Road”?
For shame!

So how did she do on her SAT’s?

I guess the argument is it was tacky to put focus on her dress and make light of the slap

“here’s a picture of my dress at the show where we are apparently assaulting people on stage now.

He was doing 32mph in a 25mph zone. I don’t think a pedestrian is going to be flattened at 32 and walk away clean at 25. You’re just being self-righteous. You better not do 5 over on your way to work lest you hit a pothole and fall off your high horse.

Look, there’s no way to enshrine it in law in a consistent way but... if you cheat on your spouse when you have a 6 month old baby you are owed a couple slaps. That’s just what it is. 

Real missed opportunity not delving more into that!

This news has got me more riled up than a picture day Jessica.

Same goes for live episodes of podcasts that aren’t normally live. I had to stop listening to How Did This Get Made? because they started doing like 90% of their episodes live.

“And how do YOU like those very same apples, Eggers?!”

At some point, the people started putting more weight on the Bechdel test than it was meant to carry. It’s a brilliant device that underscores a broad truth about how male-centric Hollywood entertainment is - but it’s not a way to judge if a movie’s gender dynamics are good or not. Heck, the LOTR movie above would

Yes, Tolkien wrote very few female characters.
Now tell us how racist HP Lovecraft is.  I’m sure that will be a big shocker to lots of people.

Sadly for Miller, Affluenza is only legally recognised in Texas.

Will Smith has always given me the “dead behind the eyes sociopath” vibe of Tom Cruise.