Professor Sasquatch

SO edgy, SO shocking, to make a joke about someone with alopecia.  Oh wait...alopecia is the main cause of hair loss for people across the globe...and dudes get made fun of it all day every day and nobody gives a shit...and its not an illness...  Is it mean?  Sure.  Does it warrant *literally assaulting someone*?  No,

*opens wallet*

Hats off the dude who named himself “King Excellent” in Elvish. 

He gets results, you stupid chief!

I’ve got a lot of issues with Solo, but I’ll just say this: The director swap-out deprived us of seeing Michael K. Williams play a Star Wars villain and I will never forget that.

FWIW, the sheriff’s office tweeted out that no signs of drug use or foul play were immediately apparent.

He’s sucking dick for crack in Heaven now.

Oh, not Virus Royale?

Thank you for not making this a slideshow.

You’ll definitely be hearing more now that all of the drama and litigation has settled!

Plot twist: he was just a professional surrogate the entire time.

“This whole incident comes just six days before many in the industry celebrate xmas.”

Why? Because he does the exact same character in everything he does. That’s the only character he plays. Name one movie where he hasn’t peeked coyly from beneath his hat brim. Or gruffly mumbled sage advice. Or shaved.

He almost finished his story without slipping.


Probably because it goes hand-in-hand with him being a prick.

I’m not necessarily eager to have this site be more aggressive in declaring things problematic. A greater willingness to just let people enjoy fun things might be welcome, and if this is a part of a move towards that, good.

Nobody’s buying that sedative bullshit. Now let’s get her ass off the bench and pick through her cases with a fine tooth comb because you know there’s racist bullshit in those decisions of hers.

Where’s that Simpsons “Stop....he’s already dead!” when you need it.  Damn, Pat Metheny’s a savage.  

Does the doc feature jazz guitar legend Pat Metheny [1] and/or his in-circles-famous critique of Kenny G [2]?