Professor Sasquatch
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On the other, you’ve got Fergie and whatever that was in 2018.

Yep, that commercial was pretty much how he thought 1/6 was going to go for him

Didn’t it used to be so good, so fun!?!!! I miss the old AV Club. 

*past regular having a single tear while reading this comment* you have no idea what this place once was.

I’m not usually this guy, but...

Are we all that surprised? After all, this is the same guy who held Santa Claus hostage for decades.

This man committed a crime and confessed to it. There’s no debate there, and he served an appropriate amount of time behind bars.

Now I’m just a simple small-town lawyer, but it’s pretty obvious to me that they simply collided into each other like a couple of characters in a Hanna-Barbera cartoon.

This vendetta against Chris Rock is really getting bizarre. Is this all for clicks or did he piss in Spamfeller’s cornflakes once 20 years ago?

What did my family ever do to you to warrant these decades of harassment and your constant bullying disguise as jokes?ʼ”

This “source” is clearly Jada or her publicist or something similar. This “article” is pure tabloid trash.

All this heat for Chris Rock, but very little to no smoke for Will “I get to be publicly violent and still have the Root Kiss My Ass” Smith. Will Smith, the clown whose open marriage got away from him and got syndicated letting his wife try to sexually embarrass him while she slept witth her son’s behavorially

The report says but sure doesn’t show. They report the source just says “30 years” but then only debated what was or was not said in 2016 about hosting. That’s it. How do you just repeat this uncritically?

Huh, so we’re just copying CNN articles now? Rearranging words and sentences so that it looks just a little different is the equivalent of asking “can I copy your homework if I change it a little bit?”.

You know it’s gonna be an all-timer when none of the writers want to attach their name to the article 

Truly, it is a wondrous time to be alive.

I’m not dismissing anything. I’m saying that if I told you “I’m queer,” what more would you know about me, or my life, than you did before? What would you know I meant by it, when there are so many things that fall under that term?

Do I enjoy his humor now?
Did I laugh my ass off as an 11 year old catching his specials on cable?  Oh my, yes.

haha fucking pop stars assuming when people are made into movies they’re dead.

Likewise, that kid in Washington probably needed 20 or 30 exorcisms because exorcisms are a fantasy, and an infinite number of them would be insufficient to treat whatever medical problem he was experiencing.