Professor Sasquatch

Finally- some recognition!

INSTIGATED a clown themed riot. Not instituted.

He got the Superman role back, plus he’s gonna be the new James Bond. That’s a full docket.

Bear Down For Midterms!

To my knowledge there’s only one TJs in the whole state of Maine.

that just won’t be for an audience they don’t understand”
...that’s some word salad right there.

The blending in with the billboard was a happy accident, not the purpose of the paintjob- The Electric Mayhem helpfully repainted their car so that it wasn’t the color Doc Hopper and his minions were looking for...

Your writing had that perfect mix of levity and heaviness (so... neutrally buoyant I guess?)

Jesus- that sounds like a real mess.

Michael Jai White is a national treasure. Seems like his son had a very sad life and didn’t get the chance to turn it around.
Sad stuff all around.

David Lynch directed the video for Wicked Game. Chris Isaac lucked out with that deal- AND he got to have a small role in Fire Walk With Me.

TD is trash period. The 70 million class action lawsuit against their crooked overdraft fees proved that years ago.
Terrible organization, through and through- this unconscionable racist b.s. comes as no surprise.

It drives people crazy that the iguanas eat up all the hibiscus flowers.
Most palm trees aren’t native to Florida either- nor are all the Australian pines and Melaleuca trees. Nothing’s real down there.

That poor kid- she had to deal with far too much adversity in her short life.

I haven’t played either- I’ll check them out. Thanks!

Prolly my favorite game series ever. The narrative really had some emotional heft.
Any recommendations for games that are in this vein?
...for Xbox One (I know- I backed the wrong pony on that choice).

She was the best part of Reno 911- and that’s saying a lot. 

Such a shame. He was great in everything he was in.

One of the best episodes of the series for sure!!

He was one of the all time greats- such a loss.