Professor Sasquatch

I actually like the Corolla Cross. There’s something inherently cool about a vehicle that is unashamedly utilitarian and ‘fit for purpose’. It gets good gas mileage. It has room to haul things and a hatch. It’s a safe, and not unpleasant place to spend time. And it appeals to what daily drivers want - a slightly

The Discworld bit is specifically riffing off of the classical mythology of the Riddle of the Sphinx. Not sure why you equate reading some entertaining fantasy satire with watching anime or doomscrolling social media.

Grape Ape would be near unstoppable. Muttley would just stand back and laugh.

Is it any surprise that the two actors widely considered the biggest jerks in Hollywood wouldn’t get along with each other?

Earning the gold-plated pickaxe is a matter of beating out everyone else in a region’s grand finals to become the season’s top team.”

She injured herself lifting all those books while dOiNg HeR oWn ReSeArCh

So glad to see an actress resisting the industry pressures to keep working, and instead rely on medical wisdom to care for her body. Now to take a gigantic sip of coffee as I google this rising star

I love Billy Porter and everything he does but this “apology” rubbed me the wrong damn way. How dare this man who has won Emmys in three of the last three years, and has a Tony, a Grammy, and countless other awards, and has been in extremely popular Broadway musicals and TV shows, play the whole “Oh I’m well known

They never wanted to try these good ‘ole boys in the first place. And I know people are going to say this is a different team etc. but this is still Georgia. They didn’t suddenly get a whole new criminal justice system. Painting shit a different color doesn’t suddenly turn it to gold.

Once again the fix is in.

GaaS...I hate acronyms just a tiny bit less than I do Games as a Service.

Looks gangster-y. Should’ve called it GoodFettas.

I found one error in this article:

Stop “just asking questions” if you won’t listen to the answers.

*Letitias Wright and Robs Schneider

I stand by this - A Different Kind of Truth, from 2012, is shockingly good. I’m sure there were studio tricks involved (the live shows from this era do not burnish Diamond Dave’s reputation), but VH could still cook. 

It’s a big get for the LGBTQIA+ community.

Azaria’s character, the Blue Raja, is an American pretending to be British but he’s dressed as if he is Indian. If this sounds problematic, that’s because it is.

Agree.  Regardless of who did what to whom, it’s a mess that will affect the kids negatively.